<%@ Language=VBScript %> <% isDbConNeeded=false blnShowForm = false strHeading = "Bengali Heritage Gallery" strCaption = "Community Issues & Opinion Polls" strFormCaption = "" isBanglaText=false parentUrl="/Bengal.asp" %> <%=strCaption%> <% 'bol header_tbl.asp 'incorporates all major supporting and base files to start the html files Dim objConn, strSCON, strSUSR, strSPWD, strJDF 'Dim hasBanglaContent, isBangla,isBanglaText,tableProperties, sQuote 'Dim smAddress,siteMainAddress,checkASPValue4This 'dim smBanglaFontFamily, smEnglishFontFamily, fontfaces, fontsizer randomize checkASPValue4This=cstr(Cint(35 * Rnd)) 'Response.Write("checkASPValue4This: " & checkASPValue4This) '*************** BEGIN FONT FAMILY-------------------------------------------'' smBanglaFontFamily="Shiwly Bengali, Chaamelee Bengali, Champa Bengali, Baasonti Bengali, Bokool Bengali, Joydurga Bengali" '"Champa Bengali" smEnglishFontFamily="Arial, Tahoma, Verdana, Helvetica" strJDF="" strFont="" '*************** BEGIN FONT FAMILY-------------------------------------------'' tableProperties=" border=0 cellpadding=0 cellspacing=0" 'Response.Write "Server: " & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") isMySQL=false serverBase="" if (left(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"),6))="stage." then serverBase="stage." end if 'Response.Write "Server: "  & Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME") strSCON = "Provider=SQLOLEDB.1;Password=sm2000sm;Persist Security Info=false;User ID=smprime_sm; Initial Catalog=sitemarvel;Host=.\MSSQLSERVER2012;Use Procedure for Prepare=1;Auto u=True;Packet Size=4096;Use Encryption for Data=False;Tag with column collation when possible=False;" 'strSCON = "Host=.\MSSQLSERVER2012;Password=sm2000sm; Integrated Security=False;User ID=smprime_sm;Initial Catalog=sitemarvel;Connect Timeout=15;Encrypt=False;Packet Size=4096;" 'strSCON = "DSN=WHA_sm; user=smprime_sm; password=sm2000sm;host=.\MSSQLSERVER2012;" 'truncate_transaction_log 'response.write "Stopped" if isDbConNeeded then Set objConn = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Connection") objConn.Open strSCON end if '-----------Moved---------------------------------- dim screenWidth,useFrame,viewWidth,winWidth screenWidth=cint("0" & Request.Cookies("ScreenWidth")) 'response.write ("ScreenWidth...: " + cstr(screenWidth)) viewWidth=screenWidth - 30 winWidth=viewWidth - 334 'Response.Write "ASP V:" & viewWidth & " W:" &winWidth useFrame=false smAddress="design@" & "sitemarvel.com" siteMainAddress= "mybengalonline" & "@" & "sitemarvel.com" strServ = Request.ServerVariables("Server_Name") strPage = Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") 'Session.Timeout=3 external_ad=true sQuote=chr(34) design_mode=true RECORD_PER_PAGE = 20 BLANKIMAGE="" admin_reference="" 'Response.Write session("colorScheme") winSurroundBg="#ccddee" if Session("colorScheme")="Sandy Earth" then winTitleBg = "#dccdba" winTitleFg = "#ffffff" winBg = "#fffcf4" fieldLabelBg = "#bbcbdb" '"#ffaf86" fieldBg = "#ffffff" cellbody = "#ffdfbf" columnhd ="#ddddcc" '"#c69676" linkColor="#aaaaaa" bottomPanelBg="#eeeeee" leftPanelBg=bottomPanelBg elseif Session("colorScheme")="Rain Forest" then winTitleBg="#448000" winTitleFg = "#ffffff" winBg = "#f8fff8" '"#ffdfb0" ' '"#ffdf96" fieldLabelBg = "#bbcbdb" '"#ffaf86" fieldBg = "#ffffff" cellbody = "#efffef" columnhd ="#ccdddd" '"#c69676" linkColor="#aaaaaa" bottomPanelBg="#eeeeee" leftPanelBg=bottomPanelBg else Session("colorScheme")="Classic" winTitleBg = "#7897C5" '"#bbccdd" '"#3396cc" '"#6484a6" winTitleFg = "#ffffff" winBg = "#ffffff" '"#ffdfb0" ' '"#ffdf96" fieldLabelBg = "#bbcbdb" '"#ffaf86" fieldBg = "#ffffff" cellbody = "#ecefef" columnhd ="#deeff4" '"#c69676" linkColor="#4040ff" bottomPanelBg="#eefdff" leftPanelBg=bottomPanelBg end if cScheme=Session("colorScheme") If Request("action") = "viewallAdmin" Then strKeyword = "All" blnShowForm = False Else blnShowForm = True strPage=strPage & "?" & Request.QueryString End If 'Session("UserVisitied")= Session("UserVisitied") & strPage if pgMetaDesc="" then pgMetaDesc="Bengal Online is a community site that presents Bengal in its full glory of language, literature, music, folklore, traditions, history and cultural heritage to people of the world." end if dim browser browser = GetBrowserType() 'GetBrowserVersionNumber = GetBrowserVersion() 'GetOperatingSystem = GetBrowserOS() ' the browserdetails array holds ' arrBrowserDetails(0) browser name IE,FF,NS,OP - equivalent to calling GetBrowserType() ' arrBrowserDetails(1) browser version - equivalent to calling GetBrowserVersion() ' arrBrowserDetails(2) the operating system in use - equivalent to calling GetBrowserOS() 'if browser="IE" then textAreaMaxSize=70 ' fontMacro="font-size" fieldSizeMultiplier=1 'Else ' textAreaMaxSize=60 ' fontMacro=fontSize ' fieldSizeMultiplier=1 'End If dim ur, isPrinterFriendly isPrinterFriendly=cint("0" & Request.QueryString("printerfriendly")) if (isPrinterFriendly) then viewWidth=640 winWidth=620 end if ur=Request.ServerVariables("http_referer") if not instr(Request.ServerVariables("url"),"requirefont.asp")>0 then session("downLoadReferrer")=Request.ServerVariables("http_referer") end if if isBanglaText=true then hasBanglaContent=true 'else 'hasBanglaContent defined in files themselves 'hasBanglaContent=false end if '-----------Moved---------------------------------- %> BengalOnline.sitemarvel.com :: <%=strHeading%> <%if isBanglaText then%> <%else%> <%end if%> <%if not useFrame then %> <%end if %> "> <%if serverBase="stage." then%> <%else%> <%end if%> <% '---------------------------------------- ' Microsoft ADO ' ' (c) 1996 Microsoft Corporation. ' All Rights Reserved. ' ' ADO constants include file for VBScript ' '---------------------------------------- '---- CursorTypeEnum Values ---- Const adOpenForwardOnly = 0 Const adOpenKeyset = 1 Const adOpenDynamic = 2 Const adOpenStatic = 3 '---- CursorOptionEnum Values ---- Const adHoldRecords = &H00000100 Const adMovePrevious = &H00000200 Const adAddNew = &H01000400 Const adDelete = &H01000800 Const adUpdate = &H01008000 Const adBookmark = &H00002000 Const adApproxPosition = &H00004000 Const adUpdateBatch = &H00010000 Const adResync = &H00020000 Const adNotify = &H00040000 '---- LockTypeEnum Values ---- Const adLockReadOnly = 1 Const adLockPessimistic = 2 Const adLockOptimistic = 3 Const adLockBatchOptimistic = 4 '---- ExecuteOptionEnum Values ---- Const adRunAsync = &H00000010 '---- ObjectStateEnum Values ---- Const adStateClosed = &H00000000 Const adStateOpen = &H00000001 Const adStateConnecting = &H00000002 Const adStateExecuting = &H00000004 '---- CursorLocationEnum Values ---- Const adUseServer = 2 Const adUseClient = 3 '---- DataTypeEnum Values ---- Const adEmpty = 0 Const adTinyInt = 16 Const adSmallInt = 2 Const adInteger = 3 Const adBigInt = 20 Const adUnsignedTinyInt = 17 Const adUnsignedSmallInt = 18 Const adUnsignedInt = 19 Const adUnsignedBigInt = 21 Const adSingle = 4 Const adDouble = 5 Const adCurrency = 6 Const adDecimal = 14 Const adNumeric = 131 Const adBoolean = 11 Const adError = 10 Const adUserDefined = 132 Const adVariant = 12 Const adIDispatch = 9 Const adIUnknown = 13 Const adGUID = 72 Const adDate = 7 Const adDBDate = 133 Const adDBTime = 134 Const adDBTimeStamp = 135 Const adBSTR = 8 Const adChar = 129 Const adVarChar = 200 Const adLongVarChar = 201 Const adWChar = 130 Const adVarWChar = 202 Const adLongVarWChar = 203 Const adBinary = 128 Const adVarBinary = 204 Const adLongVarBinary = 205 '---- FieldAttributeEnum Values ---- Const adFldMayDefer = &H00000002 Const adFldUpdatable = &H00000004 Const adFldUnknownUpdatable = &H00000008 Const adFldFixed = &H00000010 Const adFldIsNullable = &H00000020 Const adFldMayBeNull = &H00000040 Const adFldLong = &H00000080 Const adFldRowID = &H00000100 Const adFldRowVersion = &H00000200 Const adFldCacheDeferred = &H00001000 '---- EditModeEnum Values ---- Const adEditNone = &H0000 Const adEditInProgress = &H0001 Const adEditAdd = &H0002 Const adEditDelete = &H0004 '---- RecordStatusEnum Values ---- Const adRecOK = &H0000000 Const adRecNew = &H0000001 Const adRecModified = &H0000002 Const adRecDeleted = &H0000004 Const adRecUnmodified = &H0000008 Const adRecInvalid = &H0000010 Const adRecMultipleChanges = &H0000040 Const adRecPendingChanges = &H0000080 Const adRecCanceled = &H0000100 Const adRecCantRelease = &H0000400 Const adRecConcurrencyViolation = &H0000800 Const adRecIntegrityViolation = &H0001000 Const adRecMaxChangesExceeded = &H0002000 Const adRecObjectOpen = &H0004000 Const adRecOutOfMemory = &H0008000 Const adRecPermissionDenied = &H0010000 Const adRecSchemaViolation = &H0020000 Const adRecDBDeleted = &H0040000 '---- GetRowsOptionEnum Values ---- Const adGetRowsRest = -1 '---- PositionEnum Values ---- Const adPosUnknown = -1 Const adPosBOF = -2 Const adPosEOF = -3 '---- enum Values ---- Const adBookmarkCurrent = 0 Const adBookmarkFirst = 1 Const adBookmarkLast = 2 '---- MarshalOptionsEnum Values ---- Const adMarshalAll = 0 Const adMarshalModifiedOnly = 1 '---- AffectEnum Values ---- Const adAffectCurrent = 1 Const adAffectGroup = 2 Const adAffectAll = 3 '---- FilterGroupEnum Values ---- Const adFilterNone = 0 Const adFilterPendingRecords = 1 Const adFilterAffectedRecords = 2 Const adFilterFetchedRecords = 3 Const adFilterPredicate = 4 '---- SearchDirection Values ---- Const adSearchForward = 1 Const adSearchBackward = -1 '---- ConnectPromptEnum Values ---- Const adPromptAlways = 1 Const adPromptComplete = 2 Const adPromptCompleteRequired = 3 Const adPromptNever = 4 '---- ConnectModeEnum Values ---- Const adModeUnknown = 0 Const adModeRead = 1 Const adModeWrite = 2 Const adModeReadWrite = 3 Const adModeShareDenyRead = 4 Const adModeShareDenyWrite = 8 Const adModeShareExclusive = &Hc Const adModeShareDenyNone = &H10 '---- IsolationLevelEnum Values ---- Const adXactUnspecified = &Hffffffff Const adXactChaos = &H00000010 Const adXactReadUncommitted = &H00000100 Const adXactBrowse = &H00000100 Const adXactCursorStability = &H00001000 Const adXactReadCommitted = &H00001000 Const adXactRepeatableRead = &H00010000 Const adXactSerializable = &H00100000 Const adXactIsolated = &H00100000 '---- XactAttributeEnum Values ---- Const adXactCommitRetaining = &H00020000 Const adXactAbortRetaining = &H00040000 '---- PropertyAttributesEnum Values ---- Const adPropNotSupported = &H0000 Const adPropRequired = &H0001 Const adPropOptional = &H0002 Const adPropRead = &H0200 Const adPropWrite = &H0400 '---- ErrorValueEnum Values ---- Const adErrInvalidArgument = &Hbb9 Const adErrNoCurrentRecord = &Hbcd Const adErrIllegalOperation = &Hc93 Const adErrInTransaction = &Hcae Const adErrFeatureNotAvailable = &Hcb3 Const adErrItemNotFound = &Hcc1 Const adErrObjectInCollection = &Hd27 Const adErrObjectNotSet = &Hd5c Const adErrDataConversion = &Hd5d Const adErrObjectClosed = &He78 Const adErrObjectOpen = &He79 Const adErrProviderNotFound = &He7a Const adErrBoundToCommand = &He7b Const adErrInvalidParamInfo = &He7c Const adErrInvalidConnection = &He7d Const adErrStillExecuting = &He7f Const adErrStillConnecting = &He81 '---- ParameterAttributesEnum Values ---- Const adParamSigned = &H0010 Const adParamNullable = &H0040 Const adParamLong = &H0080 '---- ParameterDirectionEnum Values ---- Const adParamUnknown = &H0000 Const adParamInput = &H0001 Const adParamOutput = &H0002 Const adParamInputOutput = &H0003 Const adParamReturnValue = &H0004 '---- CommandTypeEnum Values ---- Const adCmdUnknown = &H0008 Const adCmdText = &H0001 Const adCmdTable = &H0002 Const adCmdStoredProc = &H0004 '---- SchemaEnum Values ---- Const adSchemaProviderSpecific = -1 Const adSchemaAsserts = 0 Const adSchemaCatalogs = 1 Const adSchemaCharacterSets = 2 Const adSchemaCollations = 3 Const adSchemaColumns = 4 Const adSchemaCheckConstraints = 5 Const adSchemaConstraintColumnUsage = 6 Const adSchemaConstraintTableUsage = 7 Const adSchemaKeyColumnUsage = 8 Const adSchemaReferentialContraints = 9 Const adSchemaTableConstraints = 10 Const adSchemaColumnsDomainUsage = 11 Const adSchemaIndexes = 12 Const adSchemaColumnPrivileges = 13 Const adSchemaTablePrivileges = 14 Const adSchemaUsagePrivileges = 15 Const adSchemaProcedures = 16 Const adSchemaSchemata = 17 Const adSchemaSQLLanguages = 18 Const adSchemaStatistics = 19 Const adSchemaTables = 20 Const adSchemaTranslations = 21 Const adSchemaProviderTypes = 22 Const adSchemaViews = 23 Const adSchemaViewColumnUsage = 24 Const adSchemaViewTableUsage = 25 Const adSchemaProcedureParameters = 26 Const adSchemaForeignKeys = 27 Const adSchemaPrimaryKeys = 28 Const adSchemaProcedureColumns = 29 %> <% ' Module: common.asp ' Created by: Bipro Das 20000707 ' Last Modified: %> <% ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub ReportError() Response.Write Err.number & " - " & Err.Description & "
" & Err.Source & "
" objErr.clear end Sub function isValidated (lin, lop) if admin_access then if lin=lin1 and lop=lop1 Then isValidated=True else if lin=lin2 and lop=lop2 Then isValidated=True else isValidated=False End If End If else isValidated=isLoginOk(lin,lop) end if End Function '# Get Browser Type Function GetBrowserType() dim Agent,brsr Agent=lcase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) if Agent="" then brsr="[unknown or robot]" else If instr(Agent, "msie") > 0 Then brsr = "IE" ElseIf instr(Agent, "firefox") > 0 Then brsr = "FF" ElseIf instr(Agent, "navigator") > 0 Then brsr = "NS" ElseIf instr(Agent, "opera") > 0 Then brsr = "OP" Else brsr = "[unknown or robot]" End If end if GetBrowserType=brsr End Function function isHumanSubmitted(randvalue, typedvalue, field2) if not typedvalue = randvalue & field2 then response.write ("" _ & "Sorry, we do not accept robot submission. Your attempt to auto-submit by software robots failed on this occasion. Try submitting in person online." _ & "


") isHumanSubmitted=false else isHumanSubmitted=true end if end function '# Get browser version number Function GetBrowserVersion() Dim arrTemp,Agent,vrs,x,arrBrs,ii vrs=-1 Agent=lcase(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT")) if Agent="" then vrs = "" else Select Case GetBrowserType() Case "IE" arrTemp = split(Agent, ";") vrs = trim(replace(arrTemp(1), "msie", "")) Case "FF" arrTemp = split(Agent, ") ") arrBrs=split(arrTemp(1)," ") x=0 while x<=uBound(arrBrs) if left(arrBrs(x),8) = "firefox/" then vrs = mid(arrBrs(x), 9) end if x=x+1 wend Case "NS" arrTemp = split(Agent, ") ") arrBrs=split(arrTemp(1)," ") x=0 while x<=uBound(arrBrs) if left(arrBrs(x),9) = "netscape/" then 'Response.Write "XXX: " & arrBrs(x) & "
" vrs = mid(arrBrs(x), 10) end if x=x+1 wend Case "OP" arrTemp = split(Agent, " ") if left(arrTemp(0),6) = "opera/" then vrs = mid(arrTemp(0), 7) end if Case else '# could be a robot or unknown browser '# so let them see the good site vrs = "" End Select end if GetBrowserVersion=vrs End Function '# Get operating system browser is on. Function GetBrowserOS() Dim arrTemp,Agent,os,begs,ends Agent=Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") if Agent="" then GetBrowserOS="" else Select Case GetBrowserType() Case "OP" begs = instr( Agent, "(" ) + 1 ends = instr( Agent, ";" ) - begs os = mid(Agent,begs,ends) case else arrTemp = split(Agent, ";") os = trim(arrTemp(2)) end Select GetBrowserOS=os end if End Function Sub Mail_VCard(SenderName, SenderEmail, EmailName, EmailAdd, MainText) sBodyText = "" _ & "
" _ & "

" _ & Replace(MainText, vbCrLf, "
") _ & "

BengalOnline Virtual Cards
" 'blnSuccess = objMailer.SendMail 'Set objMailer = Nothing Subject="BOVC: BengalOnline Virtual Card From: " & SenderName & "<" & SenderEmail & ">" strBcc=smAddress strCC="" strAttacedFile="" blnHtml=True blnSuccess=CDONTS_SendMail(EmailName & "<" & EmailAdd & ">", siteMainAddress, strCC, strBcc, 1, Subject, sBodyText, strAttacedFile, blnHtml) End Sub function CDONTS_SendMail(sTo, sFrom, sCC, sBcc, sPriority, sSubject, sBody, sAttachment, bHTML) CDONTS_SendMail = SendEmail( "", sFrom, sTo, sCc, sBcc, sSubject, sBody, sAttachment) end function function SendEmail( frmName, fromEmail, toEmail, cc, bcc, subject, msg, att) On Error resume Next Dim oMail,oConfig ' Create a new mail object set up its configuration Set oMail = CreateObject("CDO.Message") Set oConfig = Server.CreateObject("CDO.Configuration") Set oFields = oConfig.Fields With oFields .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusing") = 2 .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserver") = "" .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpconnectiontimeout") = 10 .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/smtpserverport") = 25 .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendusername") ="webmaster@sitemarvel.com" .Item("http://schemas.microsoft.com/cdo/configuration/sendpassword") ="stx_%m" .Update End With '==End remote SMTP server configuration section== With oMail Set .Configuration = oConfig .From = fromName & "<" & fromEmail & ">" .To = toEmail .Subject = subject .HtmlBody = msg .CC = cc .BCC = bcc if not att="" then .AddAttachment att end if End With Err.Clear if left(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"),6)="stage." then Response.Write "Mail cannot be sent from this computer. Instead we are displaying the message here:

" _ & replace(BodyText,vbcrlf,"
") SendEmail = true else oMail.Send if Err then Set oMail = Nothing 'e=ReportError(Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_Referer"),"common.asp - SendEmail utility failed", err) 'response.redirect "errHandler.asp" Response.Write "


" & err.Description & "

The above error prevented eMail being sent to the receiepient.

" SendEmail = False else Set oMail = Nothing SendEmail = True end if end if end function Sub AutoRespond(EmailName, EmailAdd, MainText, Subject) sBodyText = "
" _ & "

" _ & "Dear " & EmailName & ",

" _ & Replace(MainText, vbCrLf, "
") _ & "

Warm regards,

" strBcc=smAddress strCC="" strAttacedFile="" blnHtml=True blnSuccess=CDONTS_SendMail(EmailAdd, siteMainAddress, strCC, strBcc, 1, Subject, sBodyText, strAttacedFile, blnHtml) End Sub Sub AddToMailList(FName, LName, Email, Update, DataConn) Dim objListRS, objList2RS, strSelect '& "first_name = '" & Trim(FName) & "' AND " _ '& "last_name = '" & Trim(LName) & "' AND " _ strSelect = "SELECT * FROM tblMailList WHERE " _ & "email = '" & Trim(Email) & "'" Set objListRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") ' Response.Write strSelect objListRS.Open strSelect, DataConn, 1, 1 If objListRS.EOF Then strSelect = "INSERT INTO tblMailList (last_name, first_name, email, updates) VALUES " _ & "('" & Trim(LName) & "', '" & Trim(FName) & "', '" & Trim(Email) & "', " If Update Then strSelect = strSelect & "1)" Else strSelect = strSelect & "0)" End If Set objList2RS = DataConn.Execute(strSelect) Else If Update Then strSelect = "UPDATE tblMailList SET updates = 1 WHERE client_ID = " & objListRS("client_ID") Set objList2RS = DataConn.Execute(strSelect) End If End If objListRS.Close Set objList2RS = Nothing Set objListRS = Nothing End Sub Function PutTabLink(sTargetLink, sLinkText) Dim sRV, dQuote sRV = "" _ & "" _ & "
" If Trim(sTargetLink) = "" Then sRV = sRV & Trim(sLinkText) Else sRV = sRV & "" & LCase(sLinkText) & "" End If sRV = sRV & "
" PutTabLink = sRV End Function Function Line(pelWide, pelHigh, color) Line = "
" End Function Function DottedLine(pelHigh) Dim colorStr colorStr = " bgcolor=#ffffff" DottedLine = "" End Function Function OpStatus(sTitle, subTitle, sMsg) Dim sRV OpStatus = "
" _ & FormHead(sTitle, subTitle) & "

" & sMsg & "
" End Function Public Function CheckServerDateFormat() Dim strDateFormat If Month("01/05/1999") = 5 Then ' ***** The server is returning the second part of the strDateFormat = "UK" ' date as the month, therefore UK date format ElseIf Month("01/05/1999") = 1 Then ' ***** The server is returning the first part of the strDateFormat = "US" ' date as the month, therefore US date format Else ' ***** it's not returning either - something is not strDateFormat = "What???" ' working right End If CheckServerDateFormat = strDateFormat End Function ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' *** FUNCTION ConvertDateYYYY as STRING ' This function (added on 16/06/1999) is used to convert a date into a date format with a four ' digit year code. CDate only returns 2 digit year codes. Public Function ConvertDateYYYY(DateIn) Dim strYear, arrDate, strDate strDate = CDate(DateIn) strYear = DatePart("yyyy", DateIn) arrDate = Split(strDate,"/") ConvertDateYYYY = arrDate(0) & "/" & arrDate(1) & "/" & strYear End Function Function IsDateDMY(InDate) Dim blnDMY, arrDate blnDMY = False arrDate = Split(InDate, "/") If UBound(arrDate) <> 3 Then arrDate = Split(InDate, "-") End If If UBound(arrDate) = 3 Then If CInt(arrDate(0)) > 12 Then blnDMY = True End If End If IsDateDMY = blnDMY End Function Function IsDateMDY(InDate) Dim blnMDY, arrDate blnMDY = False arrDate = Split(InDate, "/") If UBound(arrDate) <> 3 Then arrDate = Split(InDate, "-") End If If UBound(arrDate) = 3 Then If CInt(arrDate(1)) > 12 Then blnMDY = True End If End If IsDateMDY = blnMDY End Function ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' *** FUNCTION ValidDay as BOOLEAN ' This function (added on 2000-01-27) is used to check whether a valid day is being used for ' any given month and year combination (year is only used to verify February) Public Function ValidDay(DayNum, MonthNum, YearNum, ByRef ErrorMsg) Dim blnValid blnValid = True ErrorMsg = "" Select Case MonthNum Case 2 If (YearNum Mod 4) = 0 Then If(YearNum Mod 100) = 0 Then If (YearNum Mod 400) = 0 Then If DayNum > 29 Then ErrorMsg = "February has only 29 Days in the Year " & CStr(YearNum) blnValid = False End If Else If DayNum > 28 Then ErrorMsg = "February has only 28 Days in the Year " & CStr(YearNum) blnValid = False End If End If Else If DayNum > 29 Then ErrorMsg = "February has only 29 Days in the Year " & CStr(YearNum) blnValid = False End If End If Else If DayNum > 28 Then ErrorMsg = "February has only 28 Days in the Year " & CStr(YearNum) blnValid = False End If End If Case 4, 6, 9, 11 If DayNum > 30 Then ErrorMsg = MonthName(MonthNum) & " has only 30 days" blnValid = False End If Case Else If DayNum > 31 Then ErrorMsg = MonthName(MonthNum) & " has only 31 days" blnValid = False End If End Select If DayNum < 1 Then ErrorMsg = "Invalid day" blnValid = False End If ErrorMsg = UCase(ErrorMsg) ValidDay = blnValid End Function ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' *** FUNCTION ISOConvert As STRING ' Use this function where you have a integer month, integer day and integer year. ' this will return ISO format of the combination of the three ' ' strISODate = ISOConvert([dayvariable],[monthvariable],[yearvariable]) ' ' strISODate will be the date in ISO format Public Function ISOConvert(DayNum, MonthNum, YearNum) Dim strReturn, strError strReturn = "" strError = "" If Not IsNumeric(Trim(DayNum)) Or _ Not IsNumeric(Trim(MonthNum)) Or _ Not IsNumeric(Trim(YearNum)) Or _ Not Len(Trim(YearNum)) = 4 Then strReturn = "INVALID PARAMETERS" Else If CInt(Trim(MonthNum)) > 12 Or CInt(Trim(MonthNum)) < 1 Then strReturn = "INVALID MONTH" ElseIf Not ValidDay(CInt(Trim(DayNum)), CInt(Trim(MonthNum)), CInt(Trim(YearNum)), strError) Then strReturn = strError Else strReturn = Trim(YearNum) & "-" & Right("0" & MonthNum, 2) & "-" & Right("0" & DayNum , 2) End If End If ISOConvert = strReturn End Function ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- ' *** FUNCTION ConvertToISODate as STRING ' Use this function where you have any date which VB can interpret as a date, or if you have a ' month in MMM (eg "Jan") format. If this is the case make a variable and use: ' ' strTempDate = [dayvariable] & " " & [monthvariable] & " " & [yearvariable] ' strISODate = ConvertToISODate(strTempDate) ' ' If you have a date VB understands, use: ' ' strISODate = ConvertToISODate([datevariable]) ' ' strISODate will be the date in ISO format. ' ##NB - VB IS UNABLE TO INTERPRET IT'S OWN LONG DATE FORMAT (ie formatdatetime(datevar,1)) ## Public Function ConvertToISODate(VBDate) Dim strReturnDate ' variable to hold return string Dim arrDate ' array to hold date Dim strDate 'On Error Resume Next If VBDate="" Then ' if it's an empty string, return null strReturnDate = "NULL" ElseIf IsDate(VBDate) Then strDate = ConvertDateYYYY(VBDate) arrDate = Split(strDate, "/") If IsDateMDY(strDate) Then ' if it is a us date format strReturnDate = ISOConvert(arrDate(1), arrDate(0), arrDate(2)) ElseIf IsDateDMY(strDate) Then ' if it is a uk date format strReturnDate = ISOConvert(arrDate(0), arrDate(1), arrDate(2)) Else strReturnDate = "INVALID DATE" End If Else ' it's something undecipherable - spit back error msg. strReturnDate = "INVALID DATE" End If ConvertToISODate = strReturnDate End Function Function NullEmptyString(Instring) if trim(Instring) = "" then NullEmptyString = Null else NullEmptyString = trim(Instring) end if End Function Function EscapeQuotes(Instring) dim temp temp = Replace(InString,"'","'") temp = Replace(temp,chr(34),""") temp = Replace(temp,chr(96),"`") EscapeQuotes = trim(temp) End Function Function ReplaceVbCrlf(Instring) Instring = Replace(Instring, "" & Vbcrlf, " ") 'response.write Instring ReplaceVbcrlf = Instring End Function Function MakeSQLString(Instring) x = EscapeQuotes(Instring) ' Response.Write x If isNull(x) then MakeSQLString = "'" & "" & "'" '"NULL" Else MakeSQLString = "'" & x & "'" End if End Function Function MakeSQLInt(Instring) Dim strInt strInt = NullEmptyString(Instring) If IsNull(strInt) Then MakeSQLInt = "NULL" Else MakeSQLInt = strInt End If End Function Function MakeISODate(Year, Month, Day) Dim strDay, strMonth If Not Len(Year) = 4 Then MakeISODate = "NULL" '"ERROR - Not 4 digit year" Else strDay = Right("0" & Day, 2) strMonth = Right("0" & Month, 2) MakeISODate = Year & "-" & strMonth & "-" & strDay End If End Function Function SQLDate(InDate) Dim strMonth, strDay, strYear ' Response.Write InDate arrDate = Split(InDate, "/") If UBound(arrDate) <> 3 Then arrDate = Split(InDate, "-") End If If IsDateDMY(InDate) Then strDay = arrDate(0) strMonth = arrDate(1) strYear = DatePart("yyyy", InDate) ElseIf IsDateMDY(InDate) Then strDay = arrDate(1) strMonth = arrDate(0) strYear = DatePart("yyyy", InDate) Else strMonth = Month(InDate) strDay = Day(InDate) strYear = DatePart("yyyy", InDate) End If SQLDate = MakeISODate(strYear, strMonth, strDay) End Function function iif(condition,a,b) ' Response.Write condition if condition then iif=a else iif=b end if end function ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Function MsgAppend(Msg, NewString) Dim strMsg If Trim(Msg) = "" Then strMsg = NewString Else strMsg = Msg & "
" & NewString End If MsgAppend = strMsg End Function ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub DropDownSelector(selname, srcFileName, srcIdField, srcDescField, groop, DataConn) Dim strSelect, objDDRS, currentSelection strSQL = "SELECT * FROM " & srcFileName & " where cat_group = '" & groop & "'" & " ORDER BY " & srcDescField 'Response.Write(strSQL) Set objDDRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") objDDRS.Open strSQL, DataConn, 1, 1 If Not objDDRS.EOF Then %> <% End If objDDRS.Close Set objDDRS = Nothing End Sub Sub CountryDropDown(Connection, ID, fldname) Dim objRSCntry, objCommCntry Set objCommCntry = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.Command") Set objRSCntry = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") objCommCntry.ActiveConnection = Connection objCommCntry.CommandType = 4 objCommCntry.CommandText = "stpSelectCountries" objRSCntry.CursorLocation = 3 objRSCntry.CursorType = 2 objRSCntry.LockType = 2 Set objRSCntry = objCommCntry.Execute If Not objRSCntry.EOF Then 'Response.Write "" Response.Write " " Do While Not objRSCntry.EOF If ID = objRSCntry("pkCountryID") Then Response.Write " " & vbCrLf Else Response.Write " " & vbCrLf End If objRSCntry.MoveNext Loop Response.Write "" End If objRSCntry.Close Set objRSCntry = Nothing Set objCommCntry = Nothing End Sub ' -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Sub SessionCaptureFormDetails() for each Item in Request.Form if Request.Form(Item).count Then for intLoop=1 to Request.Form(Item).count Session(Item)=escapeQuotes(Trim(Request.Form(Item))) next else Session(Item)=escapeQuotes(Trim(Request.Form(Item))) End if Next End Sub Sub SessionCaptureFieldDetails(RecSet) For Each objField In RecSet.Fields Session(objField.Name)=objField.Value Next End Sub function ShadowText(text,fsize,fcolor,shadowcolor,fontweight)%>
<% ShadowText="" end function %> <% 'cs - connection scring cs = strSCON & ";UID=" & strSUSR & ";PWD=" & strSPWD Function isLoginOk(inEmail,inPass) ON ERROR RESUME NEXT Dim objRS session("cust_id")=0 Session("cartOrderId")=0 strSQL = "SELECT * from tblUsers WHERE Email = '" & inEmail & "' AND PW='" & inPass & "'" Set objRS=Search(strSQL) if not Err.Number=0 then Response.write = SmCommerceErrorRoutine("isLoginOK ", strSQL) end if If NOT objRS.EOF Then SessionCaptureFieldDetails(objRS) Session("loginName")=objRS("usrName") session("loginEmail")= objRS("usrEmail") session("loginId")=objRS("usrId") objRS.close Set objRS=Nothing bRetVal=true Else bRetVal=false End if isLoginOk=bRetVal End Function Function Search(sSearchFor) Dim rst set Search=server.CreateObject("ADODB.Recordset") 'rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient 'Response.Write sSearchFor 'rst.Open sSearchFor, oConn, adOpenDynamic, , 1 set Search = objConn.execute(sSearchFor) 'Set Search = rst Set rst = Nothing End Function Public Function InsertMail(mlDate,frName,frEmail,toName,toEmail,Subject,body,sStatus,rStatus,priority,attName,linkstoId) ON ERROR resume Next If cs = "" Then cs = connectString End If Dim cmd, prm Set cmd = New ADODB.Command Set prm = New Parameter cmd.CommandText = "stpInsertMails" cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@mlDate", adDBTimeStamp, adParamInput, , mlDate) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@frName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, frName) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@frEmail", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, frEmail) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@toName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, toName) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@toEmail", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, toEmail) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@subject", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, subject) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@body", adLongVarChar, adParamInput, 8000, body) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@sStatus",adInteger, adParamInput, , sStatus) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@rStatus", adInteger, adParamInput, , rStatus) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@priority", adInteger, adParamInput, , priority) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@attName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 200, attName) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@linkstoId", adInteger, adParamInput, , linkstoId) cmd.Parameters.Append prm cmd.ActiveConnection = cs cmd.Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords cmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing if Err.Number=0 then InsertMail = True else InsertMail = False end if End Function Public Function UpdateMail(mlId,mlDate,frName,frEmail,toName,toEmail,Subject,body,sStatus,rStatus,priority,attName,linkstoId) ON ERROR resume Next If cs = "" Then cs = connectString End If Dim cmd, prm Set cmd = New ADODB.Command Set prm = New Parameter cmd.CommandText = "stpInsertMails" cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@mlId", adInteger, adParamInput, , mlId) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@mlDate", adDBTimeStamp, adParamInput, , mlDate) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@frName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, frName) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@frEmail", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, frEmail) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@toName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, toName) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@toEmail", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, toEmail) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@subject", adVarChar, adParamInput, 100, subject) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@body", adLongVarChar, adParamInput, 8000, body) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@sStatus",adInteger, adParamInput, , sStatus) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@rStatus", adInteger, adParamInput, , rStatus) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@priority", adInteger, adParamInput, , priority) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@attName", adVarChar, adParamInput, 200, attName) cmd.Parameters.Append prm Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@linkstoId", adInteger, adParamInput, , linkstoId) cmd.Parameters.Append prm cmd.ActiveConnection = cs cmd.Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords cmd.ActiveConnection = Nothing if Err.Number=0 then UpdateMail = True else UpdateMail = False end if End Function Public Function DeleteMail(id) ON ERROR resume Next Dim cmd,prm Set cmd = New ADODB.Command Set prm = New Parameter If cs = "" Then cs = connectString End If cmd.CommandText = "stpDeleteMails" cmd.CommandType = adCmdStoredProc Set prm = cmd.CreateParameter("@id", adInteger, adParamInput, , id) cmd.Parameters.Append prm cmd.ActiveConnection = cs cmd.Execute , , adExecuteNoRecords if Err.Number=0 then DeleteMail = True else DeleteMail = False end if End Function Public Function GetMailInfo(id) ON ERROR resume Next If cs = "" Then cs = connectString End If Dim strString, isActive, rst Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset strString = "stpSelectMail(" & id & ")" rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient rst.Open strString, cs, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdStoredProc Set rst.ActiveConnection = Nothing Set GetMailInfo = rst End Function Public Function ListMails(Email,viewed) ON ERROR resume Next If cs = "" Then cs = connectString End If Dim cmd, rst Set rst = New ADODB.Recordset 'viewed can be 0(no),1(yes), 2(all) stpString = "stpListMails(" & Email & ", " & viewed & ")" rst.CursorLocation = adUseClient rst.Open stpString, cs, adOpenDynamic, adLockReadOnly, adCmdStoredProc Set rst.ActiveConnection = Nothing Set ListMails = rst End Function %> <% ' Module: common_func.asp ' Created By: Bipro 19990-12-29 ' Last Modified: ' Purpose: Commonly used functions function RamdomLinker() Dim linkArray(3) linkArray(0) = "" & "Free Classifieds   " linkArray(1) = "" & "Free Matrimonials   " & "  " linkArray(2) = "" & "OnePoint Global Search   " Randomize x=2*rnd %> <%=linkArray(x)%> <% End Function Sub ShowQResults(DataConn,strCondition) Dim objRegRS Set objRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") 'Response.Write strCondition & "???????" & isObject(objConn) objRS.Open strCondition, objConn, 1, 1 %><% If Not objRS.EOF Then While Not objRS.EOF %> <%=objRS("first_name")%>  <%=objRS("last_name")%>     [ Region: <%=objRS("region_name")%> Category: <%=objRS("name")%> ]
<% strEmail=objRS("email") strUrl=objRS("url") strLength=len(strEmail) atPosition=instr(1,strEmail,"@") if not atPosition > 0 then account="invalid" emlDomain="invalid" else emlDomain=right(strEmail,strLength-atPosition) account=left(strEmail,atPosition-1) end if If strEmail ="" or strEmail="[unknown]" then Response.Write " [unknown]
" else if not emlDomain="invalid" then %> show email address
<% end if end if If not Trim(strUrl) ="" and not emlDomain="invalid" then %>   <%=strUrl%>
<% end if If Not IsNull(objRS("comments")) and not emlDomain="invalid" then %> <%=Replace(objRS("comments"), vbCrLf,"
")%> <%Else if not emlDomain="invalid" then %> [withdrawn - invalid email address used] <%else%> [none] <%end if End If %>

<% objRS.MoveNext Wend Call InLineLink(Request.ServerVariables("url"),"BACK TO SEARCH ...") %>

<% Else Response.Write "No matching data found ..." End If End Sub Function categoryName(DataConn, inCat) Dim strSelect, objRegRS strSelect= "SELECT * FROM dbo.tblCategory WHERE category_ID = " & cLng(inCat) Set objRegRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") 'Response.Write "Cat Id" & inCat objRegRS.Open strSelect, DataConn, 1, 1 If Not objRegRS.EOF Then categoryName = objRegRS("name") else categoryName="" End If End Function Sub invitationMessage %>


<%=strFont%>The major aim of this informal ActiveBengali Forum is to discuss ways and means of reforming and modernising Bengali script and to propose and provide a unified voice to submit a script reform agenda to the Indian and Bangladesh National Standards authorities and to the Unicode Consortium so that Bengali language can be computerised more uniformly and with general acceptance with sufficient 'encoding real estate' allocated to the 5th largest language of the world than is currently the case.

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<% End Sub Sub TabMenuItem(wide,link_text)%>
<% End Sub Sub tab(sTitle,fontsize,fg)%>
<% End Sub Sub ParaHead(sTitle)%>
 <%=sTitle %> 
<% End Sub Sub PageHead(sTitle)%>

 <%=sTitle %> 
<% End Sub Sub GradParaHead(ptitle, fontsize, fg) %>
<% End Sub Sub InLineLink(lnk,txt) %>
» <%=txt%> 
<% End Sub Sub hilitedLink(tgt,str,bg,fg,fontsize) str=" " & str & " " %>
<% End Sub Sub shilitedLink(xwide,tgt,str,fg,fontsize) str=str if fg="silver" Then tgt="" End if%>
<%If (Trim(tgt))="" Then %> <%=Trim(str)%> <%Else %> <%=Trim(str)%> <%End If %>
<% End Sub Function FormHead(sTitle, subTitle) Dim tit,stit stit="" if sTitle <> "" then tit = "" _ & "" _ & "
  " & sTitle & " 
" & line("100%", "1", "#808080") & "
" End if If not subTitle = "" Then stit = "" _ & Line("100%",1,"#dddddd") & "
 " & subTitle & "
" End If FormHead = tit + stit End Function Sub sectionHeader(strTitle)%> <%=FormHead(strTitle,"") %> <% End Sub Sub bulletHeader(strTitle)%>
<%=strTitle %>

<% End Sub Sub doubleLine () %>
<% End Sub Sub RegionSelector(DataConn) Dim strSelect, objRegRS strSelect = "SELECT * FROM tblRegion ORDER BY region_name" Set objRegRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") 'Response.Write("???????" & isobject(DataConn)) objRegRS.Open strSelect, DataConn, 1, 1 If Not objRegRS.EOF Then %> <% End If objRegRS.Close Set objRegRS = Nothing End Sub Sub CategorySelector(grp, selname, DataConn) Dim strSelect, objCatRS strSelect = "SELECT * FROM tblCategory WHERE cat_group = '" & grp & "' ORDER BY name" Set objCatRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") objCatRS.Open strSelect, DataConn, 1, 1 blnOther = False If Not objCatRS.EOF Then %> <% End If objCatRS.Close Set objCatRS = Nothing End Sub Function GetCategory(lngIn, DataConn) 'Response.Write "In Value:" & lngIn Dim strSelect, objCatRS if lngIn = "" then GetCategory = "[none]" else strSelect = "SELECT * FROM tblCategory WHERE category_ID = " & lngIn Set objCatRS = Server.CreateObject("ADODB.RecordSet") objCatRS.Open strSelect, DataConn, 1, 1 If Not objCatRS.EOF Then GetCategory = objCatRS("name") Else GetCategory = "[none]" End If objCatRS.Close Set objCatRS = Nothing end if End Function Sub copyrightNotice()%>

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<% End Sub sub showClicka()%>

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<% End Sub function unicFormInput(cat)%>
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?action=display">  • Show all
?action=search" METHOD="POST" id="form1" name="form1">   • Search an item:
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Any Word
All Words
Exact Phrase   • Search items in:
?action=catsearch" METHOD="POST" id="form2" name="form2"> <%'Call CategorySelector(cat, "keyword", objConn) 'elseif Call CategorySelector(cat, "category", objConn) %>    
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To view items, you may display all items or use keywords or category filters to restrict and view a limited range - as you wish.


Bengali is not just a word. It's the language of a people as resourceful as any other.

<%Call invitationMessage %>
<%=strFormCaption %>

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<%=innerWindowBegin("#ccddee","182")%> <%=innerWindowEnd()%>  

<% unicFormInput="" end function %> <% ' Module: uir_routines.asp ' Created By: Nik 2000-08-24 ' Last Modified: ' Purpose: Commonly used functions ' ui variables/functions dim menuGroups(9) menuGroups(0)="Main" menuGroups(1)="Bengal & Bengali" menuGroups(2)="Gallery" menuGroups(3)="Gharey-Bairey" menuGroups(4)="Free Classifieds" menuGroups(5)="Cards & Gifts" menuGroups(6)="Search & Links" menuGroups(7)="Special" menuGroups(8)="Home" menuGroups(9)="MyPreferences" dim subMenus(59) subMenus(0)="/index.asp" subMenus(1)="/bengal.asp" subMenus(2)="/gallery.html" subMenus(3)="/gb.asp" subMenus(4)="/Matrimony.asp" subMenus(5)="/virtual_cards/select_card.asp" subMenus(6)="http://bangosandhan.sitemarvel.com/" subMenus(7)="/puja2k/puja2k.asp" subMenus(8)="/preferences.asp" subMenus(9)="/bengal.asp" subMenus(10)="/bengali4u.asp" subMenus(11)="/unicode.asp" subMenus(12)="/fontdload.asp" subMenus(13)="/fontfaq.asp" subMenus(14)="/eztext.asp" subMenus(15)="/ezbangla.asp" subMenus(16)="/ebaarta.asp" subMenus(17)="/bengali-calendar.asp" subMenus(18)="/commune.asp" subMenus(19)="/survey.asp" subMenus(20)="/gallery.html" subMenus(21)="/bengali-literature.html" subMenus(22)="/bengali-folklore.html" subMenus(23)="/bengali-arts.asp" subMenus(24)="/bengali-greats.html" subMenus(25)="/gb.asp" subMenus(26)="/novel.asp" subMenus(27)="/newsbrief.asp" subMenus(28)="/banglanews.asp" subMenus(29)="/dristikone.asp" subMenus(30)="/eventsreporter.asp" subMenus(31)="/anganeybihanga.htm" subMenus(32)="/ePaathshaala.htm" subMenus(33)="/jobs.asp" subMenus(34)="/matrimony.asp" subMenus(35)="/buscol.asp" subMenus(36)="/ff.asp" subMenus(37)="/calchat.asp" subMenus(38)="/virtual_cards/select_card.asp" subMenus(39)="/freechatline.asp" subMenus(40)="/rejoice.asp" subMenus(41)="/gift.html" subMenus(42)="/giftshops.html" subMenus(43)="http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/redirect-home/bengalonline" subMenus(44)="http://bangosandhan.sitemarvel.com/" subMenus(45)="/search.asp" subMenus(46)="http://bangosandhan.sitemarvel.com/bo_urls.asp" subMenus(47)="/puja2k/puja2k.asp" subMenus(48)="/puja99/puja99.asp" subMenus(49)="/puja99/darshan99.asp" subMenus(50)="/sports2000.asp" subMenus(51)="/netajigate.html" subMenus(52)="/index.asp" subMenus(53)="/about.asp" subMenus(54)="/mission.asp" subMenus(55)="/credits.asp" subMenus(56)="/whatsnew.asp" subMenus(57)="/whatusaid.html" subMenus(58)="/feedback.asp" subMenus(59)="/preferences.asp" dim subMenuText(55) subMenuText(0)="Home" subMenuText(1)="Bengal & Bengali" subMenuText(2)="Gallery" subMenuText(3)="Gharey-Bairey" subMenuText(4)="Jobs & Classifieds" subMenuText(5)="Cards & Gifts" subMenuText(6)="Search & Links" subMenuText(7)="Special" subMenuText(8)="About Us" subMenuText(9)="Bengal" subMenuText(10)="ActiveBengali" subMenuText(11)="ActiveForum" subMenuText(12)="Joydurga Font" subMenuText(13)="Font Help" subMenuText(14)="BanglaWriter" subMenuText(15)="eBaarta" subMenuText(16)="Panjika" subMenuText(17)="CommunityConnect" subMenuText(18)="Memorable Quotes" subMenuText(19)="Literature" subMenuText(20)="Folk Traditions" subMenuText(21)="Arts & Crafts" subMenuText(22)="Hall of Fame" subMenuText(23)="Gharey-Bairey" subMenuText(24)="eNovel" subMenuText(25)="Sambad Konika" subMenuText(26)="Parikroma" subMenuText(27)="Dristikone" subMenuText(28)="EventsReporter" subMenuText(29)="AnganeyBihango" subMenuText(30)="ePaathshaala" subMenuText(31)="IT Jobs" subMenuText(32)="Matrimonial" subMenuText(33)="Classifieds" subMenuText(34)="MessageBoard" subMenuText(35)="Places in Heart" subMenuText(36)="OpinionPolls" subMenuText(37)="Greeting Cards" subMenuText(38)="Chatrooms" subMenuText(39)="Festival Book" subMenuText(40)="Your Free Gift" subMenuText(41)="Gift Shop" subMenuText(42)="Books CDs Toys" subMenuText(43)="BangoSandhan" subMenuText(44)="VisvaSandhan" subMenuText(45)="Suggest a Site (Add URL)" subMenuText(46)="Puja 2000 Special" subMenuText(47)="Puja 99 Special" subMenuText(48)="DeviDarshan 99" subMenuText(49)="SportsDigest" subMenuText(50)="NetajiGate" subMenuText(51)="Mission" subMenuText(52)="Acknowledgement" subMenuText(53)="What's New" subMenuText(54)="What Visitors Said" subMenuText(55)="Comment" dim currentMenuGroup dim currentSubMenu currentMenuGroup=session("currentMenuGroup") currentSubMenu=session("currentMenu") sub EndHtml if isDbConNeeded and isObject (objCon) then objConn.Close Set objConn = Nothing end if %> <% end sub sub MainMenu Response.Write BeginWindow("BengalOnline","","200",false) %> >
<%if currentMenuGroup = 0 then menu0Txt="" & menuGroups(0) & "
" & subMenu(0) else menu0Txt=subMenuText(0) end if Response.write PutUserLink(subMenu(0),Menu0Txt)%>
<%if currentMenuGroup = 1 then menu1Txt="" & menuGroups(1) & "
" & subMenu(1) else menu1Txt=subMenuText(1) end if Response.write PutUserLink(subMenu(1),Menu1xt1)%>
<%=PutUserLink("/BanglaMail/sendmail.asp?mode=Pilot","pilot run")%>
<%=PutUserLink("/BanglaMail/sendmail.asp?mode=Full","full run")%>
<%=PutUserLink("/BanglaMail/adminlogincheck.asp?action=prefs","session preferences")%>
<%=EndWindow()%> >
<%=" [" & session("fileMode") & "] " & session("fileDetails") & ""%>
<% end sub sub hallOfFameHeading(str)%>
Bengali Hal of Fame
<% call sectionHeader(str)%>
<% end sub Function SubMenu(x) select case x case 0 startMenuItem=0 endMenuItem=0 case 1 startMenuItem=1 endMenuItem=8 case 2 startMenuItem=9 endMenuItem=19 case 3 startMenuItem=20 endMenuItem=24 case 4 startMenuItem=25 endMenuItem=32 case 5 startMenuItem=33 endMenuItem=37 case 6 startMenuItem=38 endMenuItem=43 case 7 startMenuItem=44 endMenuItem=46 case 8 startMenuItem=47 endMenuItem=51 case 9 startMenuItem=52 endMenuItem=58 end select progressTxt = "" for i=startMenuItem to endMenuItem progressTxt = progressTxt & "" next SubMenu=progressTxt & "
" & PutTabLink(subMenus(i), subMeuText(i)) & "
" end Function Function PutButton(tgt, str) w=110 bg="#dccdbc" str="  " & str & "  " txt = "" _ & "" _ & "" If (Trim(tgt))="" Then txt=txt & "" Else txt=txt & "" End If txt=txt & "" _ & "
" & Trim(str) & " " _ & "" & Trim(str) & "" _ & "
" PutButton=txt End Function Function PutTabLink(sTargetLink, sLinkText,styleclass) Dim sRV, dQuote sRV = "" _ & "
" If Trim(sTargetLink) = "" Then sRV = sRV & Trim(sLinkText) Else sRV = sRV & "" & LCase(sLinkText) & "" End If sRV = sRV & "
" PutTabLink = sRV End Function Function PutUserLink(sTargetLink, sLinkText, styleclass) Dim sRV, dQuote sRV = "" _ & "
" If Trim(sTargetLink) = "" Then sRV = sRV & Trim(sLinkText) Else sRV = sRV & "    " & "  " & LCase(sLinkText) & "" End If sRV = sRV & "
" PutUserLink = sRV End Function Function BlankLine(pelHigh) Dim colorStr colorStr = " bgcolor=#000000" BlankLine = "" End Function Function DottedLine(pelHigh) Dim colorStr colorStr = " bgcolor=#ffffff" DottedLine = "" End Function Function OpStatus(sTitle, subTitle, sMsg) Response.Write "
" & sMsg & "
" OpStatus="" End Function 'does together work with EndWindow to make a window frame Function oldBeginWindow(ttl,sttl,xwide,isXButton) BeginWindow = "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "
" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & WinTitle(ttl, sttl,isXButton,false) & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "
" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "" _ & ""_ & "
" _ & "
 " End Function Function oldBeginBanglaWindow(ttl,sttl,xwide,isXButton) BeginBanglaWindow ="" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" ewidth=20 end if if not l2 = "" then elink = elink & "" ewidth=ewidth+20 end if if not l4 = "" then elink = elink & "" ewidth=ewidth+20 end if if not elink ="" then elink="
" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & WinTitle(ttl, sttl,isXButton,true) & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "
" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "
" _ & "" _ & "
 " End Function 'does work together with BeginWindow to make a window frame Function oldEndWindow(l1, l2, l3, l4, pic4 ) dim slink,elink,ewidth slink = " 
" _ & "
" _ & "
" elink="" if not l1="" then elink = elink & "
 & sQuote &  & sQuote & " ewidth=ewidth+20 end if if not l3 = "" then elink = elink & " & sQuote &
" & elink & "
" end if EndWindow= slink & elink End Function Function oldWinTitle(sTitle, subTitle,isXButt,isBangla) Dim divClass, tit,stit if isBangla then strDivClass=" class=" & squote & "bengaliTitle" & sQuote else strDivClass=" class=" & squote & "englishTitle" & sQuote end if If not sTitle = "" and not subTitle = "" Then sTitle=sTitle & "   |   " & subTitle else If sTitle = "" and not subTitle = "" then sTitle=subTitle end if end if stit="" if not sTitle = "" then tit = "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "
    " & sTitle & "" if isXButt then tit = tit & "
" else tit = tit & " " end if tit = tit & "
" End if WinTitle =tit End Function function WinTitle(wd, sTitle, subTitle, isXButt, isBangla) dim divClass,tit,strDivClass if (isBangla) Then strDivClass="bengaliTitle" else strDivClass="englishTitle" End if if not sTitle ="" then if not subTitle = "" then sTitle=sTitle & "   |   " & subTitle end if else if not subTitle = "" then sTitle=subTitle else sTitle="" end if end if tit="" if not sTitle = "" then tit = "" & _ "" & _ "
  " & sTitle & "" if isXButt then tit = tit & " 
" else tit = tit & " " end if tit = tit & "
" end if WinTitle=tit end function 'does together work with EndWindow to make a window frame Function BeginWindow(ttl,sttl,xwide,isXButton) xwide=iif(xwide="100%",winWidth,xwide) BeginWindow = "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "
" & BLANKIMAGE & "" & WinTitle(xwide, ttl, sttl, isXButton, false) & "" & BLANKIMAGE & "
" End Function 'does work together with BeginWindow to make a window frame Function EndWindow() EndWindow="
" End Function function innerWindowBegin(bgC,wx) innerWindowBegin="" innerWindowBegin=innerWindowBegin & "" _ & "" _ & "
" & BLANKIMAGE & "" end function function innerWindowEnd() innerWindowEnd="" & BLANKIMAGE & "
" end function Function hiLitedLinker(lnk, txt) Dim sRV sRV = "
" If lnk <> "" Then sRV = sRV & " " & txt & " " Else sRV = sRV & " " & txt & " " End If hiLitedLinker = sRV & "
" End Function Function NoConnection() NoConnection = "
" & "Not Connected  Operation Not Carried Out!

The last operation cannot be carried for one of the following reasons: " _ & "

  • your shopping cart is empty (to add items click »here
  • )" _ & "
  • you did not logon (to logon click »here; to create your account click »here
  • )" _ & "
  • your login session has expired due to long period of inactivity (click »here).

Take appropriate action to continue.

" End Function function DecimalCurrency(strExpr, decplaces) decpoint=inStr(1, strExpr, ".") if decpoint=0 then DecimalCurrency= strExpr & ".00" else intpart = Left(strExpr, decpoint-1) decpart = mid(strExpr, decpoint + 1) decpart = Left((decpart & "0"), 2) DecimalCurrency = intpart & "." & decpart end if end function Function errs(txt) errs="
  " & txt End Function Function ticks(txt) ticks="
  " & txt End Function Function infos(txt) infos="
  " & txt End Function Function advises(txt) advises="
  " & txt end Function Sub Box(winaln, bg, w,txtaln,txt) %>

<% End Sub function InfoBox(w, hdr, txt, bgC, isRaised, pic) 'Response.write "

" & BeginWindow("User Message","",w,false) Response.write "
" Response.write "" & iif (pic="","", "") _ & "

" & hdr & "

" & txt & "

" 'Response.write EndWindow() InfoBox="" end function %> <%' searchBox and showResults sQuote=chr(34) ''------this portion of the form was decommissioned by a hidden field called searchtype---- '+ "
" _ ' + "" _ ' + "   Any Word" _ ' + "   All Words" _ ' + "   Exact phrase" _ ' +"" _ '--------------------------------------- function BongoSearchBox(needhelp) bongoSearchSubDomain="http://bangosandhan.sitemarvel.com" helpText="" sz = 15 srv="" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "
" _ & "
" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "
" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "Search   " _ & "" _ & "in   " _ & " 
" _ & "" _ & "" _ & "
" _ & "
" 'if needhelp="help" Then ' helpText="" _ ' & "" _ ' & "
" _ ' & "
    " _ ' & "
  1. Select a Category from the drop down box
  2. " _ ' & "
  3. Enter your search words or phrases - select suggestively
  4. " _ ' & "
  5. Click the Go! button to start search!

  6. " _ ' & "
" 'end if BongoSearchBox=srv '& helpText end Function Sub ListSites(sCriteria, oRS, current_pg, callerUrl) 'on error resume next dim PageBankSize,PageBankStartPage,PageBankEndPage,ViewingPage, TotalPages if isObject(oRS) then oRS.PageSize = 10 PageBankSize=10 'if not isObject(oRS) then ' Response.redirect "partnerSearch.asp?action=qs_result&qs_religion=" & religion & "&qs_gender=" & gender & "&qs_agegroup=" & agegroup 'end if TotalPages = oRS.PageCount if current_pg="" then current_pg=1 end if %>
Search Results | Page: <%=current_pg%> of <%=oRS.PageCount%>

Search Keyword: <%=session("keyword")%>
Category: <%=iif(session("category")="","Any", session("category"))%>

<% PageBankStartPage=current_pg if oRS.RecordCount > 0 Then %>
<%'=innerWindowBegin(true, "#ffffff", "96%")%> <% oRS.AbsolutePage = current_pg 'intPage For intRecord = 1 To oRS.PageSize%> <% oRS.MoveNext If oRS.EOF Then Exit For Next%>
<%=Replace(oRS("description"), vbCrLf,"
Type of Site: <%=oRS("site_type")%> Category: <%=oRS("category")%>
<%strUrl=oRS("url") If not strUrl ="" then %>   <%=strUrl%>
<% End If%>

  Number of pages: <%=oRS.RecordCount%>
<% If TotalPages > 1 Then if TotalPages > PageBankSize then PageBankStartPage=current_pg-PageBankSize/2 if PageBankStartPage<1 then PageBankStartPage=1 end if PageBankEndPage = PageBankStartPage+PageBankSize if PageBankEndPage > TotalPages then PageBankEndPage=TotalPages PageBankStartPage=PageBankEndPage-PageBankSize if PageBankStartPage<1 then PageBankStartPage=1 end if end if else PageBankStartPage=1 PageBankEndPage=TotalPages end if 'PageBankEndPage=iif(PageBankStartPage+PageBankSize-1>TotalPages,TotalPages,PageBankStartPage+PageBankSize-1) %>  PAGES:  
<% if cint(PageBankStartPage) > 1 then %>  |<  <% end if if cint(current_pg) > 1 then %> PREV <% End if for viewingPage=PageBankStartPage to PageBankEndPage if cint(current_pg) = viewingPage then %> <%=current_pg%> <% Else%> <%=viewingPage%> <% End If Next if cint(current_pg) < TotalPages then %> NEXT <% end if if cint(PageBankEndPage) < TotalPages then %>  >|  <% end if End if%>

<% else response.write "No pages found for your search criteria.
You may wish to expand your selection parameters and try again ...

" End If 'response.write endWindow("","","","","")%>
<% end if%>
<%=BongoSearchBox("nohelp")%> BangoSandhan
your Bengali search partner
<% End Sub Sub BSShowResults(RecSet, KeyWord, catName) %> <%'=innerWindowBegin(true, "#ffffff", "96%")%>
<%=FormHead(" BangoSandhan Search Results","")%>
<% Response.Write "Category: " & catName & ""' & getCategory(catId, objConn) if not Request.QueryString("act")="summary" Then Response.Write "
Searched for: " & keyword & "" end if %>
Number of sites/home pages found : <%=CStr(RecSet.RecordCount)%>

<% If Not RecSet.EOF Then While Not RecSet.EOF %> <%=RecSet("site_title")%>
<%=Replace(RecSet("description"), vbCrLf,"
Type of Site: <%=RecSet("site_type")%> Category: <%=RecSet("category")%>
<%strUrl=RecSet("url") If not strUrl ="" then %>   <%=strUrl%>
<% End If%>

<% RecSet.MoveNext Wend Else Response.Write "No matches found" End If %>

<% Response.Write "Category: " & catName & "" ' & getCategory(catId, objConn) & "" if not Request.QueryString("act")="summary" Then Response.Write "
Searched for: " & keyword & "" end if %>
Number of pages found : <%=CStr(RecSet.RecordCount)%>
<%=BongoSearchBox("nohelp")%> BangoSandhan
your Bengali search partner
<%'=innerWindowEnd(true)%> <% End Sub %> <% 'response.write "
User Agent: "&Request.ServerVariables("HTTP_USER_AGENT") & "
" 'Response.Write "
Browser: " & GetBrowserType() & " Version: " & GetBrowserVersion() & " OS: " & GetBrowserOS() 'Response.Write "
Browser: " & arrBrowserDetails(0) & "
Version: " & arrBrowserDetails(1) & "
OS: " & arrBrowserDetails(2) & "
" 'Response.write date ' & "°" %> <% if isBanglaText=true then hasBanglaContent=true%> <% ' Module: ez_kb_functions.asp ' Created By: Nikhil Das 2000-02-01 ' Last Modified: ' Purpose: Commonly used functions for ez_keyboard %> <% ' Module: bangla_functions.asp ' Created By: Nikhil Das 2000-05-05 ' Last Modified: ' Purpose: Commonly used functions Sub Win98Alert(readNwrite)%> <%if readNwrite=2 Then %> <%end if%>
Not all characters showingReload
<% End Sub Sub BanglaHiLitedLinker(lnk,txt) %>
<% End Sub Sub BanglaTabHeadLinkText(wide, title, tit_size, tit_fg, txt_fg, txt_bg, txt_size, text, link_fg,link_bg,link_url,link_text)%>
<%Call BanglaHilitedLink(wide,link_url,link_text,link_bg,link_fg,2)%>
<% End Sub Sub BanglahilitedLink(xwide,tgt,str,bg,fg,fontsize) str=str %> <% If (Trim(tgt))="" Then %> <% Else %> <% End If %>
<%=Trim(str)%> <%=Trim(str)%>
<% End Sub Sub BottomBanglaMenu() %>
Bengali Section

<% End Sub Sub NovelBanner()%>

Gxlr ...

Serialised Novel

<% End Sub Sub gbMenu() %> <% End Sub Sub UnicodeSupport() unicode_txt="
sgxmn Arxgbd
" _ & "gr…lrhrnrxK Arxkr ùgmt eskok ùbgrk Rd“ I GdxKrsW…-Gk ird eskgZ”xdk Rd“ Arikr hrkZt„ ß“r‹WrW” " _ & "bÅk Ark BDsdxKrW Kd_osU”„xik KrxQ Arxgbd KksQ| GB Arxgbdex² Aredrk oia”d PrB| " _ & "Arirxbk AsZsa ùksRßrxk Unicode sgn„sU " _ & "sdg”rPd Kxk Aredrk iZriZ Rrsdx„ Arirxbk brsgk oia”d KÒd| - cd“grb

" call Box("center", "#ffffff", "438", "center", unicode_txt) End Sub Sub BanglaParaHead(sTitle)%>


<% End Sub Sub GradBanglaParaHead(ptitle, fontsize, fg) %>
<% End Sub Sub sectionHeaderBangla(strTitle) Response.write FormHead("" & strTitle & "","") End Sub Sub BanglaResponse(EmailName, EmailAdd, MainText, Subject) sBodyText = "
" _ & "

" _ & "TO: " & EmailName & ",

" _ & Replace(MainText, vbCrLf, "
") _ & "

" strBcc=smAddress strCC="" strAttacedFile="" blnHtml=True blnSuccess=CDONTS_SendMail(EmailAdd, siteMainAddress, strCC, strBcc, 1, Subject, sBodyText, strAttacedFile, blnHtml) Set objMailer = Nothing End Sub Sub Mail_eBaarta(SenderName, SenderEmail, EmailName, toAdd, MainText) Dim objMailer,strDownLoadAddr,strUrl,strPath strPath= Request.ServerVariables("PATH_INFO") strUrl="http://" & Request.ServerVariables("Server_Name") & strPath strDownLoadAddr="http://" & Request.ServerVariables("Server_Name") & Left(strPath, InStrRev(strPath,"/")-1) & "/fontdload.asp" 'strStyleNScripts = vbcrlf + "" + vbcrlf ' 'emailTags="" & vbcrlf _ ' & "" 'emailTags="" 'fileSrc="" fontSrc= "" & vbcrlf fontfaces="Baasonti Bengali,Bokool Bengali,Padma Bengali,Joydurga Bengali;" strStyleNScripts = "" & fontSrc BodyText = "" & vbcrlf & strStyleNScripts & vbcrlf & "" & vbcrlf _ & "" & vbcrlf _ & "" _ & "

" _ & Replace(MainText, vbCrLf, "
") _ & "

" & "DesçZ g¼ B-grZrí
If you cannot read this Bengali " _ & "email, please download Bengali font from BengalOnline [" & strDownLoadAddr & "]. " _ & "To reply to this message, click HERE .

" _ & emailTags & "" strBCC=siteMainAddress strCC="" strAttachedFile="" blnHtml=True 'CDONTS_SendMail(sTo, sFrom, sCC, sBcc, sPriority, sSubject, sBody, sAttachment, bHTML) blnSuccess=CDONTS_SendMail(EmailName & "<" & toAdd, SenderName & "<" & SenderEmail, strCC, strBCC, 1, "Bengali Email from " & SenderName, BodyText, strAttachedFile, blnHtml) 'blnSuccess = objMailer.SendMail Set objMailer = Nothing End Sub %><% 'else--------'hasBanglaContent defined in files themselves end if if hasBanglaContent then 'and not TRIM(Request.ServerVariables("SERVER_NAME"))="stage.bengalonline.sitemarvel.com" then %> <% end if %> <% ' Module: bol_css.asp ' Created By: Nikhil Das 2002-10-06 ' Last Modified: ' Purpose: Commonly used CSS styles if isBanglaText then fontFaces = smBanglaFontFamily fontSizer="11.3pt" else fontfaces=smEnglishFontFamily fontSizer="11px" end if %> <% if useFrame then Response.Write "

" end if%>

To progress is to understand. The Bengali community, sophisticated as it is, always has changed, is currently absorbing new changes and will continue to be one of the most hot seat of change in the Indian sub-continent.

Ideas, priciples and philosophy that were once vital to the mainstream Bengali society are becoming old-fashiond, conservative and downright inappropripriate in the current context of economic, social and moral value systems. New problems are being faced everyday, new opportunities are knocking on the door every moment. Conflicts of the old and the new are not new or peculiar to our society alone. It's all around us. Shutting the eyes and hoping that they'll resolve themslves somehow automaticall is not the way to handle change.

Understanding what's happening today is not as easy as working out what happened fifty or hundred years ago. Changes are deceptively difficult to identify and measure. We can recognise revolution in a minute, but recognising evolutionary changes take a lifetime.

It is this reason and belief which prompted us to gather information about our community through opinion polls. An individual's perception of a change is biased by his or her own specific situation - environment, education, social status, income and political power or lack thereof. Therefore, its usefulness in predicting social behaviour is at best very limited. Collective perception, is not just the sum of indiduals' understanding; it's much more powerful in deducting salient features of social or economic groups that comprise a society.

We invite our guests to please contribute their valuable time to help us understand our social change, current norms of socio-ecomic behaviour, moral and pragmatic solutions to day-to-day predicaments. You do not have to rely on our own perception of poll subjects, nor are we capaable of discerning all that is happening with or around us. That's exactly why we gave everybody the opportunity to propose or initiate a new poll. You should spare a moment to cast your vote on issues identified by others and see accumulated poll outcomes and thus draw your own conclusions. You may also wish to contribute articles for publication in this section for the benefit of us all.

Best wishes! As we always say, make the most of it ...

Propose a Poll ...

description of the issue:

poll type:           
polling language:      
Note: currently only boolean and English language supported.
your opinion:      
Cast Your Vote ...

Considering the current school workload as it is, should prabashi Bengalees burden youngsters with Bengali language classes?

your opinion:      
Listing outcome ...

Select a listing option:
    1. list all opinion polls    
    2. find one specific poll to cast vote -
        enter poll id.:     

Tip: first, list all polls and take note of poll Id's. Then select the specific poll to cast vote.

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<%call endHtml%>