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Archive Vol. 2

Khan  Fahmida     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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nice website. I downloaded the font...but I don't know how to use it. I completely forgot my own language! I can speask it alright but when I see the language, it seems Chinese to me. I'm such an idiot. I went there this summer and I promised to write to everyone. The problem is they aren't good in english and I don't know bengali. What do I do??

MOHAMMAD  BHUIUYAN     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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The day of judgement God would listen who,s Voice?
1. Few thousand Ferestas voice
2. one Seytan,s grand childrens voice
3.or 100 or thousand Millions voice ?
Generally majority must be guaranted, but Unicode's decision makes me wonder !!! Some worlds most majority spoken language is neglecting by unicode. Such as Bangla is world's 5th largest language. But there is no proper value it worlds- unicode.
I stongly codemn unicoed.And at the same time requesting to Value it wisely.
Otherwise one day unicode will be charged for corruption - and Misusing power same as Seytan.

Jashim  Uddin     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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please visit my page. this is totally devoted to bengla page. i love it

jais  samat     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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MONEY - Turn US$20 to US$50000 in 90 days.

With an investment of only US$20 you can make aprofit of US$50000 or more in 90 days or less.

For detail e-mail Jais at ja740'+'\@'+'

Somdev  Roy     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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The best web-page so far, that I have come across. It truly brings out the Bengali culture.

Younus Ahmed  Khan     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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An excellent and dynamic approach !!

Leslie  Schneider     [ Region: Other Category: Suggestions ]
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Add some musicians! One of India's most succesful exports and most profound contributions to the world has been its music. Especially it classical music. Bengal is one of the centers of Hinustani music. Why does your site not reflect this reality? Are none of you inteested in music? Calssical or not? IS there no value to this great artform? Aren't you proud of the accomplishments of your musicians? People in Bengal are very musical. The interenational success of Ali Akbar Khan (highest Indian civilian award, highest national award for the arts given by America, MacArthur genius award atc.) Adn Ravi Shankar with his many accomplishments are two fo the most obvious. What about the singers like Saigal,Bade Ghulam Ali Khan, Amr Khan, sitarist Nikhil Banerjee and composers like S.D. and R.D. Burman and so many others. Very strange that this is not given more prominence in your site. Sad reflection of the modern Bengali's appreciation of culture.

Dhiman  Chanda     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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Finally I came across a web site totally devoted to Begali people. I am
from Calcutta, came to US as a student
and working here for the last 8 years.
I would be interested in chatting with
someone or more from Bengal.



siddhartha  chattopadhyay     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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This is one of the loveliest site I have ever come across .For people living away from bengal ,or bengali culture, coming across such a marvelous site is a pleasure .By the way ,can you guys put up a lot of pictures on calcutta ?People in general seem to be having a negative idea on this beautiful city .Otherwise , u people have done a fantastic job.

Bachcu  Ghose     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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Keep up the good work

M  Mukhopadhyay     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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I'd like to thank Bengal Online for their matrimonial section through which I found a wonderful match for my sister. Thanks a lot Bengal Online!

Note: One suggestion - please have the date of posting against your advertisements.

harun  azad     [ Region: Other Category: Sign ]
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Arya  Raychaudhuri     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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Congratulations for this wonderful
web-site! Very informative and useful!

manjula  roy choudhury     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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The Netaji Story could not load.

Jyotishankar  Raychaudhuri     [ Region: Other Category: Suggestions ]
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It is a very good site. However, I do not see any mention of Prof. Sisir Kumar Das. After Prof. Suniti Kamar Chatterji he carries the mantle of Bengali literature. Please contact the Jnanpith selection committee for information on Prof. Das.

Mokhdum Azam  Mushrafi     [ Region: Other Category: Criticism ]
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Throwing Bangla in the net is a great effort you have been doing. Our generation who are growing up out of the soil of Bengal will be exposed to Bangla indeed. You surely deserve thanks for this. All would be able to know the great bangalees and our great culture using this line.

It would have been much appreciated if this cite organizers would have realised that the majority bangalees of the world are muslims who have strong bangalee culture which is clearly different than Pakistanis or other muslims in the Indian subcontinent. It is this group of bangalee people who has sheded blood and sacrified lives for thier beloved language and culture in 1952. It is that very proud people who made Bangla a official language and took Bangla for the first time to the UN assembly audience at the cost of million lives.

Ofcourse 'welcome' translate 'Swagatam' in Bangla, not what you have used. Sanbad Parikrama does not contains Bangladesh news. I agree with UTTAM CHAKROBORTI about your cite that it gives an immpression of this is only for the Hindu bangalees.

Names of the feedback participants also reflects the nature of the users of this cite for the same reason. If there is any intention to avoid the Hindu-Muslim bangalee segregation similar to pre-partition era, we certainly need many Uttam Chakrobortis with real bangalee soul.

However, I wish a very bright future for your online.

Agarwal  Hemant     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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Good Site!

India's Premier Portal invites you all to send Durga Puja Greetings.
Subho Bijoya.

Somnath  Mukherjee     [ Region: Other Category: Sign ]
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stephanie  mcmillan     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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Hello. Thank you very much for providing the Joydurga font. I would like to use it to type letters. Do you have a key code list that you could send me so I know how to make all the letters? I would appreciate it.

Mohammed  Abdullah     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Other ]
I find this page very interesting please keep up the good work.

siddhartha  sen     [ Region: Africa Category: Suggestions ]
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there are alot of nri's from calcutta(bengalis)in Durban;south africa.please inform us about pojo events in calcutta

opu  alam     [ Region: Europe Category: Other ]
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delighted by the idea of the 'banga sammelon' taking place in december. making plans on going there. who would like to be my freind, go to the events together and provide me a supporting hand?

Bhaskar  Ghose     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Sign ]
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Bhaskar Ghose

Robin  Sengupta     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Other ]
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I just cant beleive that at long last we finally, HAVE our own identity on the web. It is such stupendous and creative and easily the finest of the foreign origin sites that i have come across. This site testifies to a pool of the best talents in website-developement and the on-going commitment to all those who feel proud to be bengali. But most of all this site should be dedicated to the best of Bengal, to our culture, convictions and heritage, and the dedication to the land that we call Sonar Bangla. Living abroad, as a lot of us are, the sense and nationalism has never been this great as I felt when I came across this site. KEEP UP THE GREAT WORK GYS.

Sailaj  Mukherjee     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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I received e-mail from you but was unable to reply as the access was denied.This was addressed to, bengalonline'+'\@'+' I also tried to send an e-mail at joyDurga'+'\@'+' but the access was denied again! Can you help? Is thre any other way that I can contact you?

LENA  DE     [ Region: Other Category: Suggestions ]
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I am seriously looking for a groom in your matrimony add.But honestly they are staying stagnent for a long long time! I wish there is a time add. so that people will know how old is the adds for? Please let me know your answer.
Lena De.

moloy  biswas     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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besh bhalo. subhechha saho moloy biswas

Mahendra  Sapa     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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Excellent Job!!!!! May be you can put some more info.
about out dear late Subhash Chandra Bose - Give me blood
I will give you freedom. May be someone can suggest a book
or two on him.

Vande Mataram


goutam  saha     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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I am proud of you.

Thank you,


L.  De     [ Region: Other Category: Sign ]
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I would like to know what language is written on your BANGLANEW?


debobroto  dasgupta     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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today i visited this site for the first time and loved it very much
basically i am from Allahabad and living here in calcutta for last one year or so

pl accept my good wishes for puja, dipawali and the comming new year.


Tomas  Engberg     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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An American multi-national company expanding in India, part and full time positions. High income, please contact Mr Engberg.

MIRZA  HUDA     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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arun  ray     [ Region: South East Asia Category: Help info ]
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web site interests me. i would like to have the full address of calcutta blind school at behala, kolkata

Suprabha  Ray     [ Region: Other Category: Criticism ]
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I chanced upon the Netaji Scandal serial, and have tried, for the last 2 weeks to get the latest update on this serial, but to no avail. Have you discontinued this article ?

Udayan  Mukherjee     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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viewed your durga pooja was very good.especially the gorakhpur photos put on by Mr. alokesh Bagchi.It was good to see our relatives in the crowd.IT was wonderful.gkp bengali kali bari has a long history .please put up these details along with kali wishes for the future!!

Yasmin  Mannan     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Other ]
This is a great site. Keep up with the good work. Also can you give some news about Bengalis living in England. Thanks

Yasmin  Mannan     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Other ]
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This is a great site. Keep up with the good work. Also can you give some news about Bengalis living in England. Thanks

Surya Kumar  Bose     [ Region: Europe Category: Criticism ]
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Dear Sir,
You have been slipping up or have you
run out of ideas? The "Last Journey" chapter
has been there for quite a few weeks and
nothing new has come up. When could we expect
some more of your concoctions?
yours etc
surya bose

karabi  das     [ Region: Middle East Category: Help info ]
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Raman  Saha     [ Region: Other Category: Contents ]
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Great site!! Cogratulations.

Please include bengali movies category and provide links
site(s) where info about DVD and/or VHS
can be found.

Koushik  Ghosh     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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atyanto bhalo procheshta.amar subhechha roilo.

mridul  mukherji     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Help info ]
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Great to find a bengali room. I'm from UK and miss everything here. I would feel great to find some feadback.

Somnath  Mukherjee     [ Region: Other Category: Help info ]
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Why the update on Netajigate has stopped?

Tomas  Engberg     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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A Finnish businessman is looking for Indian business partners. New company in India, sales and marketing, high income. Please contact Mr Engberg.

Somdev  Roy     [ Region: Other Category: Criticism ]
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Your idea of a chat-room is great. However, today your sever was extremely slow. I gave up.
Kindly fix it.
Somdev Roy

Tomas  Engberg     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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A Finnish businessman is looking for Indian business partners. Sales and marketing, high income start today. Please contact Mr Engberg.

Samik  Mukherjee     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Sign ]
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I have just downloaded it. Let me first be familiar with the procedure.After that I'll write you again.
I have a question. Can I use this font while working in MS-WORD?
Thank you.

Samik Mukherjee
IIT Kharagpur

Tomas Engberg  Engberg     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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A Finnish businessman is looking for Indian business partners. Sales and marketing, high income start today. Please contact Mr Engberg.

Rajeev  kumar     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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dear editor,

I'm keenly intrested in netaji 's trial that's why I want to purchase the book-AYODHYA TALE- netaji hidden story. so please help me in this connection

your sincere

Rajeev kumar

Claire  Richards     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Commendation ]
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I am currently doing an AS Level Art Textiles project on India Art. I was wondering if you could possibley send me some information about Indian Art, about the History or anything at all related to it would be gratefully appreciated!
Claire Richards

Shubhodip  Dasgupta     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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Why Have u left Netaji Gate incomplete?
Is it the India Govt. trying to interfere ?

sukanta  gupta     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Criticism ]
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It is really suprising that you have not included Bishabriksha

sukanta  gupta     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Criticism ]
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It is really suprising that you have not included Bishabriksha

Arindam  Banerjee     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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Bangal online is very important site for prabashi bengali religion.We jara thaki arabsagerer dhare.tai nay ki.ami chai eman bangali bandhuke je amra abar gare tulbo notun bangla sanascritike.jadi keu amar sathe mail kote chay ta ho le amar mail a koro.amra ready sabrakamer help er janna.thanks all the member of bengalonline.

Dr. Nityananda  Sinha     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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I myself and some of my friends are trying to start an web site on Bengali Culture and literature. But we are facing problem regarding displaying the matters and particularly Benagli E-Mail. Could you help us in this matter?
Dr. Sinha

abu  karim     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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This site was very nice to look around,
I was looking for a picture of bhawaia folk singer of bangladesh Abbasuddin Ahmed.

Ron  Anderson     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Help info ]
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The keyboard layout displayed in be BanglaWriter page does not match my keyboard. I am using standard US Enhanced 101 key keyboard set to English local. When I press my lowercase A key, it types what is displayed on your layouts Uppercase Z, another example, when I press lowercase n key, it types what is displayed on your layout's lowercase x key. Can you help me?

gunjon  dasgupta     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Ease of use ]
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we're having problems with 'juktakkhar' while using them for our web pages. when we write some 'juktakkhar' the browser is changing it to something like hebrew. we're also trying to do a collapsible menu with your font but simply doesn't work. it's refusing to use 'alt+ keys' & 'juktakkhar' in the buttons. also not downloadble in mac. we use mac quite extensively for design. pls help.

ashutosh  bhagwat     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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you are doing excellent work on Netaji. Keep up the good workand bring out more info. about Netaji. I am very facinated to see Netaji's hand writing. I have also signed Netaji's war criminal petition started by Dr. Begchi. We should ask indian government to nominate the husband of Netaji's daughter, Dr. Martin Pfaff as the next U.N. General Secretary.
Keep up the good work. Netaji Amar Raho.

Ashraf Gohar  Goreja     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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A grate site. Please note that Indian born American master painter issued Geclee prints of his paintings. To view Goreja's work,visit

Jaydeep  Roy     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Suggestions ]
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There is no "contact us" link. How do we contact you regarding deleting an ad in the matrimonials section??

Anirban  Dutta Choudhury     [ Region: South East Asia Category: Criticism ]
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the door of chat room remains closed always....why?

Amol  joshi     [ Region: Australia/New Zealand Category: Commendation ]
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I would like to know where can i buy a complete work of swami vivekanand which consists of nine volumes.

Pradip  Biswas     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Commendation ]
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Please let me know how to type the bengali MATRAs (like aa, o, ou etc.) in Jaydurga font?

Thanks & Regards,

SAL  rahman     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Suggestions ]
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HI ,
I visited your website and I think it's one of the best site I have seen recently.I thought if you add our Voice chat room to your website it would really help us build a united bangladeshi community. We are the first Bangladesh Server that provides with free voicechat code with Chatspace Text server.If you like to add our free chat room to your site Please get the Chat Applet from
For other chat options Please email us at webmaster'+'\@'+'
Noe it's possible to call Dhaka from our voicechat room so please join our voicechat room and ask us the details.
If you have any questions or problems, please don't hesitate to contact us. Regards, Mukta

AMIT  GOSWAMI     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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I am afraid, I have wasted my time on this. The Bangla Writer dose not come at all rather it always go to the site:
I hope this is not moke site - wasting others time and defaming Bengalees.

surajit  das     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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dear sir ,
daily send me bengoli massage for me

Gautam  Krishnamurthy     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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I am a great admirer of Netaji. Though I am not a Bengali, most of my heroes are Bengalis viz. Swami Vivekananda, Netaji, Surya Sen(Masterda) etc. I was searching the net for for some information on Netaji and came upon this site.
Frankly I am shocked that India has treated such a great man so calluously. After reading about how Pradeep Bose - Netaji's nephew was behaving because of material benifits, frankly I was so shocked nay even ashamed to be an Indian.

I have never ever seen any group of people where it's own heroes are neglected so badly. For God's sake even the Germans treat Hitler with more reverence than we Indians treat Netaji.

Vik  Kapoor     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Criticism ]
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I would like to point out the article "Swami Vivekananda on Woman" was not by the Swami but by some unknown person. The article is very sick and not only denigrates the Swamiji but also denigrates Indian women. I request you to please remove that article.

denny  black     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Other ]
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I am a learning support assistant in sixth form college in England. I am helping a student who is looking into conjugal rights in Bengali families, to help with her sociology work. Is there any information that you could send me about this topic. Many thanks, Denny Black.

Santanu  Ghosh     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
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why is that while typing in MS word XP ,the bengali fonts (Joydurga) are not coming properly?
The bengali font mapping in word xp seems to be different from that given in ezBangla sample keybord layout.
Please give info on the keyboard mappings in MS word XP.

Catherine  Stewart     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Other ]
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You asked for Mac people to get in touch... I am searching for a Bengali font for the Mac for a goverment run oraganisation for children. I do the artwork for such items as flyers, and am having a very hard time with the Bengali translations... any chance this font will be for mac soon???? or have you any other suggestions?


Soumya  Chatterjee     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
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Sir, I have got an offer from Imperial College, London as a PhD student (course starts on28th sept.2002). May I get any monitory help from any source so that that I can avail the offer. I am a Bangali, from Chandannagar,West Bengal.

Debasis  Bera     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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here is debasis from Florida, I would like to be a member of Indian Association of Florida.

Rajiv  Das     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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Adbhut Site

Chengaleth  Sivasankar     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Other ]
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I knew Artur Isenberg at the United Nations. I came across a review by him as Editor of the Unesco Series o The Puppets' Tale by Manik Bandyopadaye. Do you have any Email or other address on him? I shall be most obliged. Thank you.

Subhendu  Rath     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Suggestions ]
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on the page where it is saying about Netaji's changing the Missionary school. It is saying he went to a Bengali School. It's incorrect. He went to Ravenshaw Colegiate School whcih is an Oriya School. The Missionary School is Stewart School. Both the school are at Cuttack in the State of Orissa. I am an ex-student of Ravenshaw Collegiate School.

Hope fully you will make the correction.

Thank You,
Subhendu Rath

SAMIR  CHATTERJEE     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Suggestions ]
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I think that you should start marrage counceling through Internet. Thank you.

samir  chatterjee     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
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Please erase my name & e-mail address in your matrimonial in GROOM WANTED page. It was a mistake. Thank you.

samir  chatterjee     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Help info ]
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Please erase my name & e-mail address from your Matrimonial GROOMS WANTED page.It was a mistake. My placement date was 17/08/2002.Thank you.

Partha  Dutta     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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I do support the proposal of expanding the bengali language.


shanaz  khan     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Ease of use ]
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your links don't work!! I.E. click on 'ray films' - no connection.

Pabitra  Dutta     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Criticism ]
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Dear Sir/Madam,
Your all pages in English, but web site is begalonline. It is not good at all. Please change it in Bengali and put some bengali poems, story etc. from your member like me.
Pabitra Ranjan Dutta.

bidushee  sikdar     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Criticism ]
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should have a chat lobby atleast...bengalis love adda....c'mon


Rituparna  Venkatesh     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Help info ]
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The "Shantiniketan collection" link displays page not found. I would like to see the collection.

Thanking you.

Ranjan K.  Kar     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Suggestions ]
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Can you please update the Panjika to reflect the current calendar?

Also, could you please send me the Panjika for Bangabda 1394 (AD1987-88), or a link to where it may be available?

Thank you.

praveen  kumar     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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I am one of the greatest admirer of Netaji. He is my Hero and Idol from my child hood i have been very much interested in Netaji and his work and his ideals and his views. I was searching the net for for some information on Netaji and came upon this site.
I was shocked that India has treated one of the greatest man so calluously. After reading about how Pradeep Bose - Netaji's nephew was behaving because of material benifits, frankly I was so shocked nay even ashamed to be an Indian.

Please do update the site quickly and regularly don't stop the stie like suspende and incomplete please bring this to light through the news agency and media so that millions of Indians can know the thruth

I have never ever seen any group of people where it's own heroes are neglected so badly. For God's sake even the Germans treat Hitler with more reverence than we Indians treat Netaji.

S.R.  Clarke     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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Jagannath  Chatterjee     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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For Bengalis outside Bengal this seems to be a good site. I am happy to know that many non-bengali's are interested to know about Bengal/Bengali language. I think I will visit the site often.

Jagannath  Chatterjee     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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Please delete my penpal wanted ad posted on 29th Sep 2002. Thanks

Partha  Bhadra     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Other ]
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Dear Sirs:
Because of my age and failing eyesight, it is hard for me to read the bengali scripts. Otherwise the site seems to me to be adequte.
One othe comment. Swami Vivakananda gets precedence over Tagore for talking about a Bengalee named Ramkrishna who had (supposedly) seen god and conversed with Her (Kali). This should not, in any way be construed that I am trying to slight Tagore. It should also be noted that Tagore's father and grandfather were great social and religious revolutionaries of their time. Let us not forget them either. Raja Rammohan was another Bengalee who learned to speak English in order to advance the Bengali cause.
There are quite a few others but I end here for fear of making my comments too long.

Ed  Viswanathan     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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very good web page... I am an engineer and author of an international best seller on Hinduism by name AM I A HINDU?[ISBN 1-879904-06-3 HALO BOOKS, USA and RUPA PRESS in India, which has sold many copies around the globe....I wish to send you a complimentary copy. Please reply me.

Recently the book is translated to Indonesian language
Apakah Saya Orang Hindu?
Ed. Visvanathan
N.P. Putra, Sang Ayu Putu Renny

Bishnu Pada  Chakraborty     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Suggestions ]
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Its an excellent site Containing Stunning history after 1945 regarding Subhas Chandra Bose, the great leader who was alive for so many years even after the so called death in air crash at Taipe.

- congratulations.

It is not clear why the sitapur tale was not published in this website and remained suspended.

Please publish the undisclosed holy matters in this web site so that millions of Indian may be able to know the exact truth. It is also true that no truth can remain in hidden conditions for ever.

Bishnu Pada  Chakraborty     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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Could you provide me e-mail address of Alokesh Bagchhi.

PRABAL  SEN     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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Srinivasan  Varadarajan     [ Region: Other Category: Other ]
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Dear Sir,

We would like to introduce ourself as a leading Cable TV operator in India.

Currently we are running a world wide sensex to find out the
population of BENGALISSPEAKING INDIANS residing in Australia.

My humble request to you sir is will it be possible for you to give me an
correct or an approximate number of the above Indians residing in Australia. or can you please help me in getting this information for my company.

We would be much oblidged and very greatfull if you could do this favour for us

Thanking you.

sheela  chakraborty     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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S.R.  Clarke     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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Atik  Zahan     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
  show email,,

Atik  Zahan     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
  show email,,

ismail  hosaien     [ Region: Middle East Category: Sign ]
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chandra  obula reddy madakala     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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Deer sir,
I am happy to see that truth is avilable on the net about Netaji.Thanks to the site.
I tried with the numbers who blocked netaji's death.
Those people born on the date 14 have blocked the Truth.
Jawahar lal Nehru -First Prime minister
B.R.Ambedkar -Constitution Writer
USSR(6+3+3+2=14)according to Cheiro's numbers.
our Loksabha strength (545=5+4+5=14)
14 represents GOD Or Dog,if they are supported by Truth They become God ,otherwise they becoming dogs when they occupy Power.
India was divided on 14th August by Dog.
Power is the place of a lion, a dog is not allowed to sit there ,they behave like a bitches.
India dishonored Netaji by Bharata Ratna award,it is a shame to the nation.
They have no dare to celebarate his death anniversary.
USSR had black mailed Indians with the secret of Netaji.Now it is broken in to pieces.Same should happen to all those people ,who blocked the Trhth.
Mahabharata says "Even Great people commit wrong and their lapses furnishes bad examples for ohters.
Paksitan is not an opponet to India.
India was defeated by China in 1962,where Nehru was prime minister.A dog can not win a battle.
1965 India won the war with pakistan.

Chandra  Obula Reddy Madakala     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Presentation ]
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Dear sir,
My birth day was on 7th February 1974.
I love Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose from my child hood.I am a post graduate Civil Engineer ,working here in Hyderabad.I was thinking in my childhood that India is a poor country to lose Netaji in a fligt accident.I came to know suddenly On 2nd October 1996 that there is a lot of conspiracy behind the death of Netaji,I became mad.My thoughts become uncontrollable.I like to use numbers to find the Truth.In my view 14 number blocked the Truth.India lost so many things and still losing many things because of killing the Truth.Nehru is the first criminal of Independent India,unless we punish him by telling the facts to public ,we can not punish any criminal.
My birth day is same as that of Charles Dickens ,I have seen the inventory items of Bhagavanji of Faizabad who died on 16th Sep 1985.
He is the lover Of Charles Dickens,many of his books were seen at Bhagavanji.I saw Cheiro book of numbers with Netaji.
According to Cheiro book of Numbers
I used this numbers to find the Truth.

Chandra  Obula Reddy Madakala     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Presentation ]
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Charles Dickens birth date on 7th February 1812.
mine on 7th February 1974.
here birth number is '7' only date.
Life number is 30(7+2+1+9+7+4=30)
Now my birth date write in other form.
7-2-3(single form) this single form matches with that of Charles Dickens date of Birth.
Now multiply 30*7=210
Go back 210 days back to this date
the date is
12-07-1973(This is my best friend Birthdate).
12 th July is the birth day of Dr.Purabhi Roy who did research on Netaji in Russia.
same as that numbers of mine 7,2,3.
now look forward to 210 days from my birth date of 07-02-1974
the coming date is 05-09-1974.(Teacher's day,Dr.Radhakrishnan celebrate his lost birth day on this date).He died on 17th April 1975.
All three days are Thurs day (Guru(Teacher)Day).
According to some sources Dr.Radhakrishan has seen Netaji while he was in a jail in USSR

Chandra  Obula Reddy Madakala     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Presentation ]
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But Radhakrishan was unable to tell the Truth because of constitution.
All 14 number born people did scandals.
Put all 14 number people,dates ,room numbers to solve the scandals.
Those who fought for power are dogs.Dogs are not allowed to sit in the power.

Soumitra  Sengupta     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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Doya kore bangla webzine apnar page a add korben please.

Subhechhante .....

soumitra sengupta

babukishan  das     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Presentation ]
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Bimal  Maity     [ Region: Australia/New Zealand Category: Suggestions ]
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Dear Mr. Das

Your New Year card still shows 2002. Can we please see the chamge soon?



Anindya  Neogy     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
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I am Anindya Neogy - working with Marico Industries - I am from Calcutta - but for last four years i am staying in bombay. There has been a proposal of marriage for my Sister-in-law. The groom is from sydney. Is it possible for you to give feedback of the person? Kindly revert back to my e-mail address.
Best regards


Arup  Chakraborty     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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Hello Mr. Das,

I found out this site only 2 days before and took great interest in the netajigate series. But why is the publication suspended? And when will it resume.

Secondly, what was date when Dr. Bagchi posted his comments saying "Netaji is still alive"?

Thirdly, how did he recognize him to be Netaji, since he must be very old by that time and also with beard(as photos given show)?

hoping for your reply soon,


as  sh     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
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Dear sir,
I am not able send filled-up data for matrimonials.
It says in "error in Page" & not able to complete after clicking "send"
pl help



Jayanta  Mukherjee     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Sign ]
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Anand  Rao     [ Region: Australia/New Zealand Category: Help info ]
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Can you please provide me with details of the Saraswati Puja on the 8th February 2003.
Where and at what time will it be held in Sydney ?


Indraneel  Roy     [ Region: Australia/New Zealand Category: Sign ]
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Its really a great job keep it up !!!

Shahidul  Islam Bizu     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Criticism ]
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Hello Bengal online,

We found this site listed in your website.

We strongly object to it and suggest that you take care of these matters.

Bashab  Dewanjee     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Criticism ]
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Dear web master,
I appriciate your great efforts.
Unfortunately it concentrates more on west Bengal, and Bangladesh is poorly presented.

I think it should have refleted BANGLA culture, not and geographical territory.


Jaideep  L     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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I really appreciate the articles put up by you regarding Netaji.I am interested in knowing more about the articles and the author.So please put up the same on your site or else mail to my e-mail address.

home  loan     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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great web site

KAUSHIK  MANDAL     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Commendation ]
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First I must congratulae you people for
your fabulous NETAJI investigation.But I
must say that it ended too fast.Like
millions of NETAJI followers Iam yearning to know more about Gumnami Baba and see more of his letters and images.Congratulations and JAI HIND.

Linsy  davenport     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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Hi… nice site

Subrata  Kumar Das     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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Dear Editor,
It is really a pleasure for me to mail you. I want to contribute articles on literature of Bangladesh.
About myself:
I took his post graduation degree from Rajshahi University in 1990 and started writing since the year 1992.I am a regular contributor to different Bangla and English language newspapers and journals. My main fields of interests are: critiquing novels and writing on education systems. My books are: Nazruler 'Bandhonhara' (2000) and Bangla Kathasahitya:Jadubastabata Ebong Onayanyo (2002).My Selected Essays ,Letters,and Speeches of Kazi Nazrul Islam (translation) is going to be published soon.I am now working on: A Glimpse of the Novels of Bangladesh ; Prosongo:Engregi Shiksha ; Sabitry Ray:Jibon O Sahitya ; and Nazrul: Koyekti Prosongo . I am a lecturer at Bangladesh Rifles College, Peelkhana, Dhaka, Bangladesh . E-mail:subratakd'+'\@'+'
With regards,
Subrata Kumar Das

sonali  bhattacharyya     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
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Dear Bengal Online,
You do have a good site...comprehensive. Can you tell me where I can sell Durga Puja e-cards, animated & static? Would your site be interested? What are the procedures for such transactions? Be very obliged if you could get back to me on this . Thanks. Sonali

debajyoti  bagchi     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
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An appeal
Bengali 23yrs, class from Tagore's Visva Bharati,
Sanyinikatan , wish to enrole at William Blue International Hotel
Management School,Miller St N. Sydney or InternationalCollege of Hotel
Management,Adelaide,Sa-5001 for 2 yrs course.Cannot afford Hostel and
Tution fees ,only amounting AUS$18000 approx per year.Passport and
complete.Can anykindhearted or sponsor help me to reach the goal.All
expenses will be reimbursed after earning in toto.kindly reply me
as soon as possible.
Thanking you,

Sunipa  Saha     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Help info ]
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Hi, I've tried to download the Joydurga Font a couple times now but I still haven't received the e-mail with the font attached to it. I would appreciate it if you could please send it to my e-mail address: ssaha2'+'\@'+' Thanks!

Partha  Das     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Other ]
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I am Dr. partho from Miami and had been a regular visitor of this web site for a year.
How ever i would like to be a contributor now.
Please let me know how to send bengali stories and poems for publishing here.

my email is - pdmanas30'+'\@'+'


Dr. Partho Manas Das

atman  Ramchalaon     [ Region: Europe Category: Help info ]
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Could someone please let me know if there is a place called "jadipur or jadypur in Calcutta. My great grandfather Mahabal Ramchalaon who came to Mauritius in 1893 originated from there. Any help is welcome.
atman Ramchalaon

mamun  haroon     [ Region: Europe Category: Help info ]
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I have been trying to download JoyDurga font. The message I am getting here is that the font has been sent to my email address. However, I have not recieved anything yet. Is this an automated email system? Please advise

tom  ku     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Contents ]
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cool page

babukishan  das     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Suggestions ]
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baul of bengal/worldmusic/babukishan

babukishan  das     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Suggestions ]
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worldmusic/babukishan....bengali baul

Naresh  Gajjar     [ Region: Europe Category: Help info ]
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I am searching for any films available for our great musical legend Kundan Lal Saigal. I am willing to pay for the wares if any film is available in any format please advise.

Thanks and regards

miss purba  bhaumik     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
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i am new student here from calcutta,i came to know that maha austomi will be on 3rd october,i want to offer anjali on that day,please let me know about your programme,ie when and where the austomi anjali will be taken place.
please inform me about your detailed address as well as your phone no. so that i can go there alone.
i hope you will 't disaapoint me and help me out in this matter.
my mobile no. is 0423314040.
with regards


sankar  kumar     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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Dear sir,
Pl. tell me the meaning of the word "PIYALI". I am from Madras and one of my US friends will be marrying a girl from Bengal with the above name. Pl. help. Thanks.

Hasib  Rahman     [ Region: Europe Category: Ease of use ]
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Thanks for the initiative

Milan  Sengupta     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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I tried to download the Joydurga Font.I had given my exact e-mail address.I had checked it thoroughly before sending.I have not yet received the download e-mail from you in my yahoo mail box.

Tina  Weiss     [ Region: Europe Category: Commendation ]
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Super Seite. Wollte schnell einen Eintrag hinterlassen, bevor ich weitersurfe. Cu

karambir singh  rohilla     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Design ]
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dear sir
i am indian language font designer
i have creat opentype font

ANWAR  HOSSAIN     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Commendation ]
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We need to simply our letters that give us ease to write in computer with adequate speed. I think the acceptability of Bengali language then would be more in international forums.

anne  antivirus     [ Region: Europe Category: Commendation ]
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Hello, a really interesting experience to visit your website. For sure i will come back soon. greets to all !

ADIL  Apu     [ Region: Other Category: Help info ]
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Hi All,

Im from Africa,Morroco, and Ive always been interested in Bengali culture..

Ive been desesperately lookin for these items for the last 3 years, without success>

1. Ritwik Ghatak s movies
2. Mrinal Sen s movies (especially Padatik)

3. THE POSTMAN, book written by Sukantha BATTACHARYAH.

Thanks for your kind help,


Anna  Lane     [ Region: Europe Category: Sign ]
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A big comliment for your great site, keep up the good work!

pradeep kumar  kumar     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
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I am pradeep kumar from bangalore. I would like to compos a song for that i need to know few bengali flim industary...or id of producer or director. kindly helpe me to get ...
thank u

Arup  Ghatak     [ Region: Africa Category: Suggestions ]
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This is an excellent site and any Bengali people will feel excited to see the site.

I have few suggestions:
The eNovel is incomplete can you keep the complete novel here?
The Pooja and Pooja Darshan are available only for 1999 and 2000. Can we have the same for 2001, 2002 and 2003 also?



Babul  Bhattacharjee     [ Region: Other Category: Help info ]
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I put my daughter`s profile in your web site. Now I intend to erase the same . I shall rather seek your help in this regard. My e-mail address is babul_bhattacharjee'+'\@'+' .Thanking you in anticipation.

you wish  you knew     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Criticism ]
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when was this site created or updated or something ?/// i need to know

Siddhartha  Sinha     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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Dear friends,
I want to take this nice opportunity to express my regards.
Please visit my site-

Here you will find very nice songs of Indian melody to download.
Also visit-

read and write articles here.

please visit the site.

Siddhartha Kumar Sinha

Claudia  Lotzsche     [ Region: Europe Category: Other ]
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Your site is wonderful. I love it!

Pratik swarup  Guchhait     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Presentation ]
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It is proud that I am born in west bengal

Manash  Choudhuri     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Other ]
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Subject: Preparation of the matter for Greeting Cards on various occasions.

Dear Sirs,

I beg to introduce myself as a freelance copywriter. I prepare the matter of Greeting Cards both in English and Bengali on various occasions like Birthday, Teacher’s Day, Wedding Day, Valentine Day, Marriage Anniversary, New Year, etc.
I did the English version of Greetings Cards on many occasions for “CHITRAPAT” reputed Greeting Cards company in Kolkata, India. I contribute short stories and poems both in Bengali and English to various commercial magazines of Kolkata including "PRASAD", a well known Bengali popular magazine. If you kindly desire I will send you specimen of my work.
I desire to be associated with your organisation as a copywriter of Greeting Cards.
Looking forward to hearing from you and thanking you, I remain,

Yours faithfully,
Manash Choudhuri
Kolkata. India.
Email: manash_choudhuri'+'\@'+'

Ram  pakhira     [ Region: UK/Ireland Category: Help info ]
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the mail you were ment to sent be did not come to me. i have done this many times and still did not work. caqny help me

Zara  Z     [ Region: Europe Category: Suggestions ]
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I wish you were inclusive. It is fortunate that you are shy of Islam and Muslims. I hope you have the courage to admit that most Bengali people are Muslim. Too many Hindu-Bengali are afraid to admit the truth. I wish you were proud of the Muslim heritage of Bengalis. You cannot build bridges if you continue with 'racism' like attitude.
I myself do not carry the baggage but I have come accross Hindu-Bengalis fearing Muslims...and it annoys me. You must grow up!
I don't know how much of the attitude is caste based. Do Untouchable or Sudra or Brahmin have different ways of looking at their Muslim countrywomen/men?
I do hope you will be inclusive and show pride in your Muslim people.

Nancy  Stewart     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Other ]
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How does one go about licensing the font JOYDURGA for commercial use? I can't find information on the site anywhere.

Rupa  Bhattacharyya     [ Region: Australia/New Zealand Category: Help info ]
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recenly i migrated to australia. i stay in sydney with my husband. i would like to join the benagali association in sydney so that i don't feel alienated in this new country. i would like to know how i can join the organisation and be a part of the bengali society in sydney.
with regards

ENAKSHI  SENGUPTA     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Presentation ]
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Respected Madam/Sir,
I live in India, West Bengal. My name is Enakshi Sengupta. I am a married young Bengali woman of 23 years old. I have passed Bachelor in Arts with Bengali Honours, Bachelor in Education (from the Calcutta University) and at present learning Master of Arts from Rabindra Bharati University. Bengali is a language which has her own great history and great poets, novelists and writers who was even awarded Nobel Prize and Oscar Awards namely Mr. Rabindranath Tagore (World famous Poet and Writer), Amartya Sen (World Famous Economist) and Mr. Satyajit Ray (Great director of Cinema) all were from West Bengal and were specialized in Bengali Language. All those great men were from West Bengal which is in India. Bengali is an Indian language of West Bengal. Another country named BANGLADESH is also a Bengali language country. So, Bengali language has a great dignity. In this regard, as I have high qualifications in Bengali Language, if you have any magazines then, there I wish to send regular Articles on History of Bengal including India, very sweet ancient literature of Bengal and the wonderful Bengali culture. You also have heard about the great FORD Car Company. The owner of this Ford Car Company married a Bengali Girl. So, Bengali is such a rich culture which attracts the whole world. So, if you kindly guide me where to send my articles on Bengali culture, its history (both ancient and modern – truly speaking Bengal and Punjab bring independence in India), wonderful ancient Bengali drawings (I am also a qualified artist) and its literature, Bengali folk literature and on world famous tour spots of Bengal, I will be ever grateful to you. I want to take active part in the development of Indo Australian cultural relations and want to contribute my knowledge to grow a relation of affection between the Australians and the Indians. So, please allow me to send articles in your Magazine section or in your books.
Yours truly,
Enakshi Sengupta
My Husband’s Email Address : mr_ssengupta'+'\@'+'

Parthasarathy  Rajendram     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Ease of use ]
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Your Site is very Facile and looks great .Keep it up.
Kindly clarify what is meant by Region in the I find an ad meant for different regions are also found under one catagory ? Where do I post an ad which is Home based employment and not a particular Place ?
Kindly advice.

Farah  Ahmad     [ Region: US/Canada Category: Suggestions ]
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Dear Mr. Das,
I must applaud your work on this site. I was wondering if it would be possible to incorporate a site where one can purchase bangla books, music etc. on line (somewhat like Nothing keeps a language alive more than investing in literature. I hope you are able to also provide a forum where books may be exchanged etc. Once again, thank you for a such a commendable site.
Farah Ahmad

PRANAV KUMAR  CHATTERJI     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Presentation ]
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Contact website for Universal approach to life.
Sender:Mr. Justice P.K.Chatterji.

Pranjit Baran  Dey     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Help info ]
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I am from Kolkata, Computer Professional, Now I am doing photography on special occation like..
Rabindra Jayanti at Rabindra Sadan, Durgapuja...., Bangla Lekha o Kabita Aabritte kara.
I want to be your part

Soumyo  Roy     [ Region: Indian Subcontinent Category: Contents ]
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Its a really good site to be seen as there are lots about the bengali culture and lifestyle here in the site.Also its real;ly helpful in many ways.
Keep on aading special features to this site.

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