Subho Vijoya!
This year the Pooja went all well by The Grace of Divine Mother Durga.
The weather was pleasant. Here's a brief of Pooja at Gorakhpur.
Gorakhpur is situated in the foothills of Himalayas, near Nepal. It's basically a agricultural and trading centre.
The NE Railways has it's headquaters here.
Initially this place was full of Bangali babus of the Railways. Now, things have changed.
Presently this place has 9 cabinet ministers, but there is hardly any noticeable development over here.
This place is of Guru Gorakh Nathji - The Gteat Saint of Nath Sampradaya.
Gautam Buddha was born nearby at Loombini. And it is also here He left His mortal body, at nearby Kushinagar.
Kabir Das too lived very close. In addition, Guru Govind Singh Dev and Pranabh Ashram are close to the city.
Here Durga Puja is celebrated by mostly non-Bengalis. People fast for 9 days. The whole environment changes here and becomes heavenly -
despite heavy pollution present in all spheres.
The Bengali Association was founded in 1904. The Association regularily organises Puja every year.
This year, as usual, around 10,000 people visited the BA pandal everyday from Soptomi to Nobomi. They all partake in Bhog and Prosad - unrestricted and free of cost.
Even Muslims come and take part in it. The Puja is supported by donations by the local Bengalees.
- Dr. Alokesh Bagchi
