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Which file do I download? A We have given visitors option to download either the zipped or unzipped version of the font. They are exactly the same file. The unzipped version is quicker (also less complicated for some users) to install, as the zipped version requires the user to extract the font file from the zipped archive with an unzipper utility like WinZip or PkUnzip (both utilities are freely available as shareware on the net) but is a tad slower to download. IE4 (and above) seems to have less of a problem with the unzipped file. But with FF4, the downloaded file is damaged in transit at times. If this happens, you will have to download again. With the zipped version neither IE4 (+) or FF4 (+) should have any difficulty. As a general rule: if you are using IE4 or higher, download the .ttf file. If you are using the FF4 or higher, then you should download the .zip. ![]() Index |