/script language="JavaScript" src="http://j.maxmind.com/app/geoip.js">
Thanks for your help. You are right, I was able to add the font by using the ie4 browser. But now, even with the font added to my 'fonts' folder, I can view the bengali text via ie4 browser only. Netscape still shows strange characters in place of the bengali script. Does this mean that I can only view the related pages via one type of browser then? Not that it's a major concern, but just that I prefer using Netscape more. A Good to know that you have been able to install the ie4. Okay, that should be enough to read Bengali in both browsers. But note that IE and Nav have their own cookie files. This means you will need to download once with each browser so they can create their cookies alright! In other words both browsers must be individually satisfied that downloading and installation of font is complete before they will function correctly. No need for changing your browser's encoding scheme - Western will do just fine! But you must select dynamic font box in Netscape. ![]() Index |