Bengali Association of New South Wales
GPO Box 4928 Sydney, NSW 2000 Australia
 Present Committee
 2003/4 Calendar of Events

About Prabasi

Prabasi was started back in 1984 by the then Secretary Mr. Nikhil Das. At the turn of the century it has reached the age of sixteen (well almost an adult). Ups-and-downs she has had plenty over that time period. But the good thing is that she survived. Time has come for her to be youthful and regular. The current Editorial Team believes that it has to be published on regular intervals and need not be necessarily a part of our events calendar. Prabasi’s character shall not be that of a publicity flyer. By all means it will publish the events calendar at its own time and preference. The flyer versions, when required, can be referred to as the Prabasi Bulletin. This new theme will be not only cost effective, but will help to enhance its contents and standing. So, the next publications will be due in December 2001, March and June 2002.

This brings us to consider the contents (apart from the usual flyer business). We greatly feel the need for a Young Bengalees section that will be edited by and cater for the needs of the young. One article in the Smaranika leaves no doubt that we have managed to ignore the ‘kids’ (or they have learned to ignore us the adults). Whatever the reasons, we can’t wait to redress the issue. We have to act and now. Later may be too late!

We have sowed the seeds in this issue, but we need help from the kids and, perhaps more importantly, from their parents. It is our experience that often parents decide what priorities come first and sadly it’s true that parents too make, not infrequently either, incorrect assessments as to what is good for their children. A well-balanced diet of study, sports and artistic endeavors often fall on deaf (parent) ears. Those of us who have gone through this stage of life know that the young minds are very receptive and we can shape those minds to accept Bengali arts, culture and values with their full intensity. With this system of values in place our children will be well equipped to make considered judgments in life. We need to make them aware of our great past. No need to boast, but we must really feel proud that this Earth was once walked by great Bengalees like Raja Ram Mohan Roy, Bankim Chandra Chattopadhyay, Ishvar Chandra Vidyasagar, Shri Ramkrishna Paramhansa, Rabindranath Tagore, Swami Vivekananda and Netaji Subhas Chandra Bose.

The world is open for our children, they can learn from anybody and from anywhere but give them a chance to see what’s at home - in Bengal and Bengali.

If you’re a bright young person…

We need your help. Help us to put together Prabasi. Write for it, draw for it and join the Editorial Team.

Make an impact. You can be five or eighty five, as young as you are. Computer whiz, graphic artist, DTP publisher, whatever you’re, we need your help.

Be part of the Prabasi team and help. We plan to publish the Prabasi on a quarterly basis with a quality section for the Young Bengalees. Think it’s cool idea? Then contact any member of the Committee or our Coordinator Mr. Goutam Sengupta (Ph : 97168214) today. Go on, be a good sport! Let the phones ring loudly cring-cring-cring....

Send Articles

We ask our members and other interested persons to please send in Bengali or English articles to be published in Prabasi. We ask you to please keep them short, crisp and relevant for the topic at hand. We can’t handle big articles for cost and time constraints. Hope you’ll understand. Drawings, painting, poems, short stories, recipes, essays, humor … anything at all.

Where to Send

Send articles to any members of the Committee or to current editorial committee, this year headed by Ashish Bhattacharya.

The Bengali Association of New South Wales homepage developed
and hosted by Bengal Online. Last updated on 20 September 2003: 11pm.