
(Please print this out for future reference)

Send your comments to :
J. Mukherjee    E-mail:

Compare :
Transliteration way :    aami  bhaalo  aachhi
Our way                   :    a|/m     v|l         a|/C

Our objective :
ONE English letter per ONE Bengali letter  ;
ONE typing symbol per ONE Bengali symbol .

Dear Bengali friend!

Do you know that there is a fantastically easy, natural and exact way of
writing Bengali, which is also an exciting way to communicate with your
Bengali friends and relatives whenever you use e-mail. How do you like to
find a method which enables you to spell each word of the Bengali language
with the same degree of accuracy as when you  write it in Bengali itself,
but while using in reality  the letters and symbols found on the keyboard of
your computer ? ( Please bear in mind that not all computers are equipped
to send and receive e-mails in real Bengali fonts.)

Nobody would deny the fact that because no such exact method of writing
existed up until very recently most Bengalees preferred to use English in
their regular e-mail communications or otherwise opted for an inferior way
of writing Bengali, namely, 'transliteration',-- which, as a matter of fact,
is a phonetic translation of each word and not a symbolic representation, as
is the case with our present system. I am confident that once  you have
started using our system , you will NEVER go back to writing Bengali through
t 'old-fashioned' transliteration way, like: aami bhaalo aachhi, which
is, in fact, an inexact and arbitrary way of writing Bengali, because
somebody else could have written the same thing as: amee valo aachy and a
third in another way, besides being encumbered  with the added disadvantage
of using too many letters per word.

I will provide you with several examples and you will know WITHIN MINUTES,
how to write Bengali through this unique method using the letters and
symbols available  on your computer's keyboard. Why is it so easy? Because
you will be writing in EXACTLY the same way as you would normally do when
you write Bengali with its OWN letters and symbols !

Let me now reveal to you  the REAL secret  : The ultimate effectiveness of
this method arises from the fact that EACH BENGALI  LETTER AND
 BY A SINGLE APPROPRIATE LETTER(in some cases a suffix is
attached to the letter ) AND BY A SINGLE TYPING SYMBOL , ALL FOUND

Test and see just how easy it is to use this method as you study the
following examples : The Bengali word 'aami' meaning 'I' is written as:
a|/m . ( This  / is the Bengali vowel-symbol short-i, whereas the
symbol  |  represents an 'aa-kar', like in the word  'aami' ). The word
'bhaalo' (well) is written as v|l , and 'aachhi' as a|/C , where C stands
for the Bengali consonant-letter  'chh' , as opposed to the small c, which
represents the Bengali consonant-letter 'ch' . . So, 'aami bhaalo  aachhi'
can now be written as:
a|/m  v|l  a|/C , exactly as you would write in real Bengali.

See how neat and natural it is ! (It is almost self-explanatory to anyone
knowing Bengali). Thanks to the efficacy of this system , there is NO longer
any need to write those l-o-n-g cumbersome, awkward spellings, like:
aami bhaalo aachhi.  The simpleness and straight-forwardness of this
method as compared  to  'transliteration' can be readily shown by
an example: Whereas the Bengali word for 'uneven'  is written in the
transliteration way as : asamotal , it is written in our present system
as : asmtl ,  just as you would write with actual  Bengali characters.

Here are the full sets of Bengali vowels and consonants as are being used
in this method: (print these out so as to keep a permanent record)


VOWELS ARE WRITTEN AS ( in their order ):         a    a|     i     I     u    U
R    e      e'       o        o'    %    :    ~    t.
Corresponding VOWEL SYMBOLS:(in their order):        |     /     \     ,      ;
<    (       [        (  |    (  ]


1. The symbol  |  besides being used as the Bengali vowel-symbol  aa-kaar ,
is also  used  as 'daanrrhi' (meaning 'full stop'), which is placed at the
end of a complete  sentence, preferably after a double-space distance.

2.  A small dash (-) represents a comma and two small dashes side by side
(--) represent a semicolon . The quotation marks are the same
as those used in English.  The question mark is ?.

3(a). SOME of the  symbols that are placed on top or bottom of a letter in
real Bengali writing, like 'chandobindu' (~) ;  u - kaar (,) ;  U - kaar (;)  ;
ree - kaar(<) are  placed, as per this system, AFTER the applicable
letter : EXAMPLES: saantaar  (n is nasal) (swimming) = s~|t|r and NOT s|~t|r
; sudoor(far-off) = s,d;r ;  bhritta (servant)= v<t} ;  drirrha (firm) = d<D:

3(b) There are  OTHER symbols of the above type which are to be placed
BEFORE the applicable letter [symbols like 'ra-fola' ( _ ) and  'ref'(^)  ]
EXAMPLES :  promaan (proof) = _pm|N ;  prokreeti(nature)= _pk</t  ;
tarko (debate) = t^k ; but samporkita (related to) is written as  sm.p^/kt
, because the sound of 'ref' ^ comes before / (that is, before i-kaar).

NOTE:  See detailed treatment of each of the various symbols used
by this system in a separate section of this E-mail.

CONSONANTS are: (in the order of their occurence):  k   K   g   G   & ;
c   C   j    J    n'  ;  T   T'  D   D'  N   ;  t    t'   d   d'   n   ;  p   f    b   v    m  ;
z    r    l    x    S  ;  s    h    y   D:   D':    ja-fola: } (positioned
as in Bengali) ;  ra-fola  _ (used before a  letter) ;   ref sign   ^ (used before a  letter).


1. A dot (.)  after a letter  indicates the Bengali symbol
'hasonto', rendering a 'stress' sound  to that letter and a dot placed
between two letters indicates, in most cases, a compound letter,
being composed of those letters.


2. Usually, there is hardly ever any  conflict between the 'bisarga'
sign(:) and the colon suffix used in conjunction with each Bengali letters
D: and  D':
3.(a) Remember : The letter x in our system actually represents the first of
the 3 Bengali s's (in their order) and should, therefore, be pronounced as
such and NOT like the English letter x.  EXAMPLE:  xx|  (shasha) meaning:
3.(b) The letter y in our system is to be pronounced like the y in the
Bengali word 'aamaey' (to me) or jaaey (to go) which are written respectively as:
a|m|y and  z|y ;  consequently  it should  NOT be pronounced like the English
letter y.

REMEMBER these important facts :

EACH of the vowels, consonants and symbols shown on the table above
MUST be pronounced in EXACTLY the same way as you  would pronounce
the corresponding Bengali letter or symbol, which it is supposed to be

BE ASSURED  of the fact that EACH of the vowels, consonants  and symbols
appearing on the table above is A TRUE REPRESENTATION of the corresponding
Bengali counterpart in EVERY  respect ( excepting  its appearance, of
and, therefore, each of them functionally serves the SAME specific PURPOSE
as its Bengali counterpart  does in relation to ACTUAL  Bengali words.

of each Bengali word you will be using so as not to confuse other Bengali
readers of your e-mails. Consult a Bengali dictionary, whenever you feel
unsure about the spelling of a word.

Let's now try out the knowledge you have acquaired  thus far. Can you read
the following lines from Tagore's poems ? (Always provide a double-space
between the words when you write in the following way, so as NOT  to look

The answer is written below :

     1.  gg(n   gr(j   (mG -  Gn   brS|  |   k,(l   ek|   b(s
          a|/C -  n|/h   vrs|  |

     2.  (z    f,l    n|     f,/T(t    J/rl    d'rN\(t -
         (z    nd\    mr,p(t'    h|r|l    d'|r|   |
          j|/n(g|     j|/n    t|o    hy/n    h|r|   |

     3.  ekK|/n    (C|T    (Kt   a|/m    e(kl|  -  c|/r/d(k    b~|k|    jl
           k/r(C    (Kl|   |

I hope you had no difficulty in reading those poems. If you had any,
it would be necessary for you to be well acquainted with each letter
and symbol appearing on the table above  and to understand  its role
in relation to Bengali words. Moreover, if you pay close attention to
the various examples presented on these pages, you will have no difficulty
in knowing how to become adroit  in this new way of writing ;
type-writing -- that is .

Just  REMEMBER this very important fact ALWAYS :
The manner of writing Bengali through this system is ALMOST THE SAME
as that employed  while writing Bengali using the ACTUAL letters and
symbols of the Bengali language.
Here is what the above poems read : 1. gagone garoje megh, ghono barosha .
kule eka bose aachhi, nahi varosa . 2.  je phul na phutite jhorilo
dharonite, je nodee morupathe haaraalo dhaaraa, jaanigo jaani taao hoyni
haaraa. 3.  ekkhaani chhoto khet aami ekela, chaaridike bankaa jal korichhe


As  we all know, there are GROUPS of Bengali letters where all the
letters belonging to a particular group have similar sounds or
pronounciations (like: ch, chh or t,th etc.). Whereas there is no clear way
to distinguish between the sounds of such letters when written in the
transliteration mode, the present method embodies no such difficulty because
the letters and symbols as used by this system are the TRUE representations
of the actual  Bengali letters and symbols themselves (including their
sounds) and therefore adopts, in each separate instance,  the same
pronounciation as that used in the Bengali language itself.

Let's now clarify the use of such similar-sounding letters :

( An equal sign  '='  means "is written as " )

Let's start with :  i  I  ;  EXAMPLES : itihaas (history) = i/th|s  ;
ingrejee(English) = i%(rj\  ;  eegal(eagle) = Igl  ; eeshwar (God) =
;  Note:  x.b is a compound letter, which has been dealt  with in detail
near about the lower section of this e-mail.

REMEMBER :  the letter y , as is  being used in this  system, is NOT a
vowel, and does NOT  have any similarity of sound to the vowels  i or  I .
It SHOULD be pronounced rather like the letter y in the following Bengali
words:  tomaaey (to you ) = (t|m|y  or  bishoy (subject) = /bSy  or joy
(victory)  = jy

Next  are u and U :
EXAMPLES: uddam (enthusiasm/endeavour) =  ud}m ;  oosha (dawn) = US|  .

Next  R : ( Bengali letter : 'ree')  EXAMPLES:  rishi ( a sage) = R/S ;
ritu (season) = Rt,  .
Remember, the small letter  r  is a consonant . EXAMPLES : robibaar
(sunday) = r/bb|r ; raakhaal(cowherd) = r|K|l ;

Next  e  and e' : (Bengali letters: eh and  oi ) EXAMPLES:  ekhaane(here) =
eK|(n ;  elopaataarrhi(haphazard) = e(l|p|t|/D:  ;  oikko (unity) = e'k}  ;
oikaantik(earnestness/sincerity) = e'k|n./tk   (Please note that  n.t  is a
compound  letter,which is discussed below) ;  write,  oitijja ( cultural
heritage) as  e'/tz}  rather than e'/th} ; since we are not using actual
Bengali letters your readers might have difficulty in knowing what
word  e'/th} is.

Next  o and o' : (Bengali letters: o and ou) EXAMPLES: okaaloti
(legal profession) = ok|l/t ; otoprotovaabe(inseparably) = ot(_p|tv|(b  ;
ousadh (medicine) =  o'Sd' ; oudaarjo ( generosity) = o'd|^z ;
ouponyasik(novelist) =  o'pn}|/sk  .


First,  k   K   k.K   g   G :
EXAMPLES : kokil (the cuckoo) = (k|/kl  ;
koutoohal(inquisitiveness) =  (k]t;hl  ; khokaa (lad/boy) = (K|k|  ;
khaaddo (food) =  K|d} ; Khabor ; (news) = Kbr (just as you would write in
Bengali).  k.K  is the Bengali compound letter used in such words as :
poreekkha (examination) =  pr\k.K|  ;  saakkhya (witness) = s|k.K} and
saakkhi = s|k.K\  . (Compound letters are discussed in detail
at the end of this e-mail.) ;  golakriti(round) =  (g|l|k</t  ;
gataanugotik (routine/usual) =  gt|n,g/tk ;
ghar (house/dwelling) = Gr ; ghorrhi(watch) =  G/D:  .

Next are  &  %  and n' :
EXAMPLES:  bang(frog) =   b}|&  ;  song (clown) = s&
songbad (news) = s%b|d  ; songsaar ( family/earthly life) =  s%s|r  ;
jhanjhaat(trouble) = Jn'.J|T;  ( n'.J  is a  compound  letter, which is
discussed below) ;  meeyaa (appellation for a muslim man =   /mn'|  .

Next are: c   C   j   z   J  :
EXAMPLES : chaal(rice) = c|l  ; choitra (last Bengali
month) =  [c_t  ;  paachcho (digestible) = p|c}  ; chhobi (picture)= C/b ;
chhatro ( student) =  C|_t ; jal (water) = jl ;  jyotirmoy (luminous)  =
(j}|/t^my  ; jemon (as like ) = (zmn  ;  jogajog (contact/connection ) =
(z|g|(z|g  ; aangga (an order)(n is nasal) =  a|j.n'|  or, if you prefer,
a|g.n'|  ; projojjyo (applicable) = _p(z|j} ; jehetu (because) = (z(ht,  ;
jaanbaahon ( traffic) =  z|nb|hn ;  jharrh (storm) = JD: ;
nirjharinee (river/stream) = /n^J/rN\  (Please watch  your Bengali spelling
and ensure its  correctness) ;  jholagurrh mollasses) =  (J|l|g,D:  .

Next are  T  T'  D  D'  :
EXAMPLES : taakaa(money) = T|k| ; taatkaa (fresh) =  T|Tk|
chitthi(letter) = /c/T' ; tthelagaarhi(handbarrow) = (T'l|g|/D:  ;
tthont(n has nasal sound) (lip) = (T'~|T  ;  daaktikit (postal stamp) =
D|k/T/kT ;  dumur (fig) = D,m,r  ;  ddhaak (drum)  = D'|k  ;  ddheu (wave) =
(D'u ; ddhol (small drum) =  (D'|l  ;  ddherrhas ( lady's finger ) =
(D'~D:s .

Next are  t   t.  t'  d  d'
EXAMPLES:  tomader (your) = (t|m|(dr  ;  taajaa (fresh) =  t|j|  ;
taatparjo (significance) = t|t.p^z   ;
Use of t. (which is a  t  with a dot beside it . It is the Bengali 'khanda
A dot represents the Bengali 'hasanto' symbol) : hatthat (sudden) =  hT'|t.
biddoot  (electricity) = /bd,}t. ; bhobishat future) = v/bS}t.  DO NOT
omit the dot (.) after the t, because the whole represents the Bengali
letter 'khanda-ta' .
thiyeter (theatre) = /t'(yT|r  ;  teerthajaatree (pilgrim) = t\^t'z|_t\  ;
drirrha (firm/strong) =  d<D':  ;   doordorshee (farsighted) = d;rd^x\  ;
(Remember,  a semicolon( ;) represents the Bengali vowel-symbol
long-U ) ; bideerna (pierced) = /bd\^N  ;  dharmokaarzo (religious
practices) = d'^mk|^z  ; dhaaronaa (conception) =   d'|rN|  ;
dhoni (sound) =  d'.b/n  .  d'.b  is a compound letter, which is discussed
below.  dhoeerja (patience) =  [d'^z  .

Now  n and N  :
EXAMPLES :  notun (new) = nt,n  ;  poorno (full) = p;^N ;
niroopan (ascertainment) =  /nr;pN  ;  aanondo (happiness) =  a|nn.d
 n.d is a  compound letter, which is discussed below ) .

Next are the 3 Bengali s's :  x  S  and  s  :
EXAMPLES :  bishesh (special, particular) = /b(xS ;.
greesshokaal (summer) =  _g\|l  .
sushaasita (well-governed) = s,x|/st ;  sushree (beautiful) = s,_x\  ;
somoy (time) = smy  ; bhaashaa (language) =  v|S|  ;
eershaa (envy) =  I^S|  ; aasheesh (blessing) =  a|x\S
; aasheerbaad (blessing) = a|x\^b|d  ; sheshokto (mentioned
last of all )  =  (x(S|k.t  ;  k.t  is a compound letter, whose usage
is explained below .  greesshokaal (summer) =  _g\|l  .

now  D: and D':
EXAMPLES : baarrhi(house) =  b|/D:  ;  taratarrhi(quickly) =
t|D:|t|/D:   aashaarrhr (a Bengali month) = a|S|D':  daanrrh (n is
nasal)(oar) =  d~|D:  ; but do  NOT write this as d|~D:  because the
'chandobindu' symbol ~  refers directly to the preceding letter d and not
to the symbol  |  . ddherrhas (lady's finger) =  (D'D:s  ;

From all  the above examples you can readily see how  closely  this system
adheres to the 'Bengali Way' of writing. Without a doubt, for this reason
alone, Bengalees will find this mode of writing quite suited to their own
taste !


Let  us once again clarify the uses of some of the symbols (and a few odd
letters)  whose examples have already been furnished above,
namely :  ~     %    &    n'   ,     ;    .    :    R     <      _      ^     [       /       \
|     (  ]      }


1(a). SOME of the symbols that are placed on top or bottom of a letter in
REAL Bengali writing, like 'chandobindu' (~) , u - kaar (,) , U - kar (;)
ree-kaar (<)  SHOULD be placed, as per this system,  AFTER  the applicable
letter.  EXAMPLES : sudoor (far-off) = s,d;r  ;  santaar (n is nasal)
( swimming)= s~|t|r  and NOT s|~t|r ; aakreeti ( shape) = a|k</t  ;
greeho (house) =  g<h .

1(b). However, there are OTHER  symbols of the above type  which are placed
BEFORE  the applicable letter ;  EXAMPLES :  promaan ( proof) = _pm|N  ;
tarko( debate) = t^k  ;  however, 'samporkita' (related to) is
written as  sm.p^/kt , because the sound of  'ref' ^ comes before
the sound of  'i -kaar' /  ; Note:  m.p is a compound letter , which is
discussed below.


Use of  ~ (symbol of 'chandobindu' , placed directly AFTER  a letter. )
EXAMPLE :  chaand(moon)( n is nasal) = c~|d  ;
gonf (n is nasal) (moustache) =(g~|f ;But do NOT  write :  c|~d  or  (g|~f ,
because  ~  relates directly to the preceding letter and not to the symbol |
.  khaankhaan (n's are nasal) (expressing loneliness) = K~|K~|  ;
saantaar ( n is nasal) (swimming) = s~|t|r  ;  faanpaa (hollow)
(n is nasal) = f~|p|  .

Use of  %  (that is, the  letter  representing 'anusshar'. This symbol (%)
is chosen due to its similarity of look with the Bengali  'anusshar'). This
letter can also be used as a pecentage sign (like 10%). No conflict can
arise as a result of this because the percentage sign, in mathematical sense, is used
ONLY after a number . The Bengali word for this is : shatkara or
shataangsho, which are  written as :  xtkr| and  xt|%x .
EXAMPLES  of  % : bongshodhar (descendant) = b%xd'r ;  songkha ( number ) =
s%K}|   ;  songbad (news) = s%b|d  ; meemaangsaa (solution of a problem) =
m\m|%s|  .

Use of  &  ( Bengali letter  representing 'ooang' , where n is nasal and,
therefore, should  NOT  be read or thought of as 'and' or as
'ebong'. This paticular letter is chosen because
of its similarity of look with the afore-mentioned Bengali letter ).
EXAMPLES :  bang (frog) = b}|& ;  rongchonge ( of variegated
colours) =  r&c(&  ; song (clown) =  s&  .

Use of n' (this is the 5th Bengali letter starting with ch,chh etc )
EXAMPLES : meeyaa ( appellation for a muslim man)  = /mn'|  ;  jhanjhaat
(trouble) = Jn'.J|T  ;   n'.J  is a compound letter, which is discussed
below .

Use of , (a comma represents  in our system the Bengali vowel-symbol
short  u) :  EXAMPLES :  pukur (pond) = p,k,r  ;  mukut (crown) = m,k,T ;
jhurrhi (basket) = J,/D:  .

Use of  ;  (a semicolon represents  in our system the Bengali vowel-symbol
long-U ) : EXAMPLES : doorobortee (distant) = d;rb^t\  ;  bhoogolbiddya
(geography) =  v;(g|l/bd}|  ;   soorjo (the sun) = s;^z  ;  sudoor (far-off)
= s,d;r  .

Use of .  (a dot represents the Bengali sound-stress symbol 'hasanto' and
is applied  in  relation to the preceding letter and should NOT  be thought
of or used as a full-stop, at least not in our system of writing.) A  t
with a dot(.) right beside it, like  t.  represents the Bengali letter
'khanda ta'.
EXAMPLES :  hatthaat (suddenly) =  hT'|t.  Do NOT forget to place a dot
after the 't' in the previous example because it (i.e., the dot) imparts a
'hasanto' sound to that t ..Other  examples :  khuski (dandruff ) =  K,x./k
; A  dot is placed on the right of x to impart the 'hasanto'(stress) sound
to it . Remember, the  'x '  we are talking about here is really the first
of the 3 Bengali s's ) .  baakpotu (cleverness of speech) = b|k.pT,
( a dot is placed beside the k so as to  signify  that you must
pronounce the accentuated sound of k as is done for a hasanto-symbol).
In addition to signifying a 'hasanto' symbol and its accompaying  sound
a dot also indicates that the letters on either side of it may have
formed a compound letter.
EXAMPLES : saakkhaat (meeting/visible) = s|k.K|t.  ; chinta
(thought) = /cn.t|  ;  bisshoy (wonder/astonishment) = / . In the
previous examples k.K  n.t  and  s.m are COMPOUND LETTERS,
which are discussed below .

Use  of  :  (Bengali symbol 'bisargo') .
EXAMPLES :  itastatoh (hesitation) = ;  praatohkaal (morning) =

Use of  R  : ( Bengali letter 'ree') :
EXAMPLES : reeshi (a sage) = R/S  ;  reetu (season) = Rt,  reensodh
(paying off a debt) =  RN(x|d'

Use of  < : (ree-sound symbol) (Used  AFTER the applicable letter) :
EXAMPLES : treeno (grass) = t<N  ;  prokreeti ( nature) = _pk</t  ;
nibhreete (secretly) =  /nv<(t  ; kreepaa (kindness) = k<p|  ;
upokreeto ( benefited) = upk<t  .

Use  of  _  : (Bengali symbol  ra-fola ; used BEFORE the applicable
letter). (Note : The decision  to place the 'ra-fola' symbol
( _ ) before the applicable letter is solely  for the purpose of
providing a look similar to that  in Bengali ) .
EXAMPLES :  promaan ( proof ) =   _pm|N   ;  prosongsaa  ;
praise ) = _px%s|  ; druta quick ) = _d,t   ;  proshrobon (fountain)
=  _p_sbN   ;   bibrato (embarrassed ) = /b_bt  ;  priyo (dear) = _/py
but  NOT  /_py . aakrosh ( anger) = a|(_k|x  ;  aakromon (attack) =  a|_kmN
;  samproti (recently) =  sm._p/t  ;  grohon (receiving) = _ghN  ;
praadurvaab (appearance ) = _p|d,^v|b  ;  kreerrha (play) =  _k\D:|  ;
krorrhpoti ( multimillionaire) = (_k|D:p/t   but NOT  _(K|D:p/t  .

Use of  ^   :  ( the Bengali  'ref'-sign ; used  BEFORE the applicable
letter) :
EXAMPLES : tarko  (debate) =  t^k  but  NOT tk^  because the sound of ref ^
occurs BEFORE the applicable letter  ;  barnona (description ) =  b^Nn|  ;
nirmita(made)  = /n^/mt  but  NOT /n/^mt  because the sound of  ref (^)
comes BEFORE  the vowel sound, short  i (/)  ; nirmool (uprooted) = /n^m;l
;  durboddha ( hard to understand) =  d,^(b|d'}  but  NOT  d,(^b|d'}  for
the reason similar to that indicated in the  preceding example.  kaarjo
(work) = k|^z  ;  doorobortee (far-off) = d;rb^t\ ; songsargo (association)
=  s%s^g ;  dharmo (religion) = d'^m  ; sparsho (touch) = s.p^x ;  samporkito
(related to) = sm.p^/kt  .  In the previous example the position of  ^  is justified
by the  fact that the sound of  ^  comes before the sound of  i-kaar  /  .

Use of  [   :  (Bengali vowel sound : oi ) :
EXAMPLES : boishomma (dissimilarity ) = [bSm}  ;
boisadrisso ( dissimilarity ) =  [bs|d<x}   ;  soinik
(soldier) = [s/nk  ;  boichitro (diversity) = [b/c_t}  ;  doimaasik
(bimonthly) = [|/sk ;  noipunna (skill) =  [np,N}   .

Use  of  /    \    : ( short i and long I ) :
EXAMPLES :  aami (meaning 'I' ) =  a|/m  ;  sushree (good looking)
= s,_x\  ;  bineeta ( modest) =  /bn\t  ;  biporeet (opposite) =  /bpr\t  ..

Use of  (  :  [Bengali vowel sound : e , like in the english letter  'el'
(L) ]
EXAMPLES :  tel (oil) =  (tl  ;  pet (belly) =  (pT  ;  aabeg ( emotion) =
a|(bg ;  bibek (conscience ) =  /b(bk  ;  beshi (much) = (bx\  ;
udbeg (anxiety ) = ud.(bg  ; NOTE : In the above example,
the 'ey-kaar' symbol  (  is applicable to  b  and  NOT to  d .
Note :  d.b is a compound letter, which is discussed below.
Use  of   (  |   :  ( Bengali vowel sound : o )
EXAMPLES :  tomaader (your) =  (t|m|(dr  ;  bodhaateeto
( unintelligible) = (b|d'|t\t  ;  niyojito (engaged) = /n(y|/jt  ;
monobal (strength of mind) =  m(n|bl

Use of  (  ]   :  (Bengali vowel sound  :  ou )  :
EXAMPLES : bou (wife) =  (b]  ;  souhaardo ( friendship)  =  (s]h|^d  ;
soubhaggo (good fortune) =  (s]v|g} ; nouka (boat ) =  (n]k|  .

Use of } :  ( Bengali  j-fola)  :
EXAMPLES :  rajjo (kingdom) =  r|j}  ;  baepaar (incident/affair)  =  b}|p|r
; graajjo (acceptable) = _g|h}  but  since we are not using the actual
Bengali alphabet, someone reading  _g|h}  may not know what he is reading .
So in order to avoid such confusion one may  also write :  _g|z} ;
boddha (intelligible) = (b|d'}  ; aabosshokataa (necessity) =  a|bx}kt|  ;
saahaajjo (help) =  s|h|z}  ;  songkha (number) = s%K}|  ;
byasto (busy) =  b}s.t  (s.t  is a compound letter,which is explained
below ) ; aakkhaen (narration)=  a|K}|n  ;  uddaen ( garden) = ud.d}|n  ;
naejjo (reasonable) =  n}|z}   .


When you pronounce a Bengali word having a compound letter in it, you will
notice that the upper or the left sub-letter (of the compound letter)
exhibits a 'stress' sound  indicated in Bengali by a symbol known as
'hasanto', which is placed near the lower end of the said sub-letter.
Consider a typical example : The word 'shaanto'(peaceful) can be broken
down right at the point of contact between the two sub-letters, n and t ,
into two parts : shaa(n) + (t)o  with the result that the upper sub-letter,
n, by virtue of the pronounciation of the word 'shaanto', displays a
'stress' sound, which can be indicated by placing a 'hasanto' symbol
at the lower end of  n.

The above characteristic can be considered as the most  GENERAL CASE  with
almost any  compound letter  you will come across. As you know, in our
system of writing a 'hasanto' is represented by a dot (.) and  therefore the
significance of the afore-noted (general) observation amounts to the fact
that a compound letter, like the one found  in  the word shaa(n)(t)o
(peaceful ) can be  written as  n.t , meaning thereby that n has a 'hasanto'
sound to it and moreover, together with  t  it forms the said compound
letter. Hence the word in question can now  be written, following the rules of our
system  as  x|n.t . Please note that, on the other hand, the word
'shaanti(peace) is  written as x|n./t and NOT as  x|/n.t ,because  the
i-kaar  symbol /  applies to  t  and NOT to n . If you know the above
general rule, you can write almost any compound letter .
Here are several examples of compound letter. Please study  each word
ATTENTIVELY  so that you can be sure as to how to write different types
of compound letter, henceforth referred to as CL .

An equal sign  =  means  " is written as "

EXAMPLES : aanondo (happiness) =  a|nn.d  ;  somosto (all) = sms.t  ;
janmo (birth) = jn.m  ;  vakto (devoted) =  vk.t

A GENERAL RULE :  You CAN put a vowel or other symbol in between the
sub-letters of a compound letter whenever such is needed : EXAMPLE : udbeg
(anxiety ) =  ud.(bg  ;  jawntro (machine) =  zn._t  ;  aanondito ( happy) =
a|nn./dt  .
below .
More EXAMPLES of CL :aanondaashru (tears of joy) = a|nn.d|_x,  ;  bisshoy
(wonder) = /  ;  bisshito (astonished ) = /b/  ;  however you write
'aakoshmik' (sudden) as  a|ks./mk  and NOT  a|k/  because the i-kaar
sound applies to m and NOT to s . okkhor (a letter of alphabet) = ak.Kr
but  aapekkhik (relative) = a|(pk./Kk  ;  pokkhi (bird) =  pk.K\  ;
aatteeyo ( a relative) = a|t.m\y , because the 'm' being silent,  the long-i
sound does not affect the pronounciation of the word 'aatteeyo' even if it,
that is, the symbol ( \ ) stands beside the m . But bisteerno ( extensive) =
/bs.t\^N  ;  bishreeto (forgotten) =  /bs.m<t  ;   (here too 'm' is silent
and therefore  'ree'-kaar (<) standing next to  it does not affect the
pronounciation of the word 'bishreeto' ; dreestipaat ( glance ) = d<S./Tp|t
A word  like biggan ( science) can be written as  /bj.n'|n so as to be
in conformity with its Sanskrit root-spelling , but in order not to confuse
your readers, you may perhaps write it as  /bg.n'|n . I would like to know
the opinion of my readers regarding this point. The word like 'bishwas',
meaning 'faith', is not quite of the same catagory and should be written
as per correct  Bengali spelling :  /bx.b|s , because, in this case, the
readers will have no difficulty in recognizing which Bengali word you are
using ;  note also that the second b in  /bx.b|s  is silent and therefore,
the aa-kaar symbol  |  has no effect on this b and so writing the word
as  /bx.b|s  will not alter its pronounciation .

More EXAMPLES  of  CL :  kinchit ( very little) = /kn'./ct.
ichchhaa  (wish) =  ic.C|  ; but  oichchhik (voluntary), which like most
compound letters can be broken down into two parts,  oich + chhik , that
is:  e'c. + /Ck and ,therefore, is written as  e'c./Ck , because the
symbol  /  applies to C (chh) and NOT to c (ch) . 'shreeti' ( memory),on the
other hand, can be written as  s.m</t   without altering the pronounciation
of the word, since m is practically silent ..
udbaastu (refugee) = ud.b|s.t,  (Don't forget to put the comma after the
t indicating the vowel symbol  short-u). uddhaar (rescue) = ud.d'|r  ;
oeendriya(of sense-organs) =  e'n._/dy   . The preceding word is
particularly an odd one, so be careful when writing it.  adbhut (strange) =
ad.v,t  ; aakkel (understanding) = a|k.(kl ; pushpo (flower) = p,S.p ; but
pushpito (blossomed) = p,S./pt  ;  brishti (rain) = b<S./T ;..
swaraashtro montree (minister of home affairs/home secretary) =|S._T
mn._t\    ; kheen ( lean/thin) = k.K\N  ; aagontuk ( a visitor) = a|gn.t,k
;  sojjita (dressed) = sj./jt  (don't forget to put a dot after the first
j ) ;  kutumbo(kinsman ) =  k,t,m.b  ;  sthaan (place) = s.t'|n  ; songkhep
shorten ) =  s% k.(Kp  ; poreekkhaa (examination) =  pr\k.K|  ;  samproti
(recently) = sm._p/t  ;  sompaadokiyo ( editorial) = sm.p|dk\y  ;  deeppunja
( group of islands ) = d.b\pp,n'.j  ( b being silent,  \  does not affect
the pronounciation of this word. ) ;  kashtesreeshte
(with great difficulty) = kS.(Ts<S.(T ;  (Don't forget to put a dot after each S,
indicating a 'hasanto' to the S's. )  ;  vongur (brittle)  =  v&.g,r  ; 
kruddha (angry ) = _k,d.d' ; swaroop (nature) =;p (remember, you need
a semicolon after the r  to denote the long U ) ;  swosti (peace/relief) = ;
don't forget the dot after each s. (remember: besides representing a
'hasanto'-symbol, a dot  may also signify, in many cases, that the letters
sitting on either side of it is combining together to form a compound
letter ) ; aakreeshto (attracted) = a|k<S.T  ;  boishisto (speciality) =
[b/xS.T}  ;  shraantoklaanto (extremely tired) = _x||n.t  ;  plabota
(buoyancy) = p.lbt|  ;  uchchhed (eradication) = uc.(Cd  ;  sthapoti
(architect) = s.t'p/t  ; stree ( wife) =  s._t\  ;
stotro ( verse of praise) =  (s.t|_t  ;  stupeekreeto ( collected in a
heap) = s.t,p\k<t  ;  juktakkhor (compound letter) =  j,k.t|k.Kr  ;
sposhto (clear/evident) = s.pS.T  ;  aashchorjaannito (astonished)
=  a|x.c^z|/  (the preceding word  is particularly a difficult one,
so be careful while writing it).

A tip worth knowing :  To know how to write a  Bengali word like
'sawchchhonde' (meaning 'easily' )  through this system, think, how this
word  breaks down at the 'joint' of each of the compound letter and place
a dot (.), i.e., a 'hasanto' right after the  FIRST or UPPER sub-letter ;
in this case it would be  (s)wa(ch) + chha(n) + de  and so the word is
written  as  s.bc.Cn.(d  ; In the same way,  the word  'sambondho'
(relationship) breaks down at the 'joint' of each sub-letter into:
sa(m) + bo(n) + (dh)  and therefore should be written as'  ;
( You MUST always think in terms of actual Bengali spelling  and
then translate that into our system of writing.).

If you have any particular Bengali word which you are not sure
about how to write it,  as per this system, I would appreciate
knowing  it.



(a) If both the sub-letters composing a compound letter are the SAME and
are SOUNDED as ONE LETTER when pronouncing  the  relevant word , use only
ONE sub-letter  in the spelling of the word .  For instance,  sarboda
(always)  is written as s^bd| and  NOT  s^| ;  write dharmo ( religion)
as d'^m and NOT  d'^m.m  . Matter of fact, most modern dictionaries suggest using
only one letter in all  such cases. .
(b) On the other hand, where either of the SAME sub-letters retain its
pronounciation distinctly, both the  sub-letters  MUST be included
in your spelling, so as to maintain the right pronounciation :
EXAMPLE : rojju (rope) =  rj.j,  ;   sachchoritro (good character ) =
sc.c/r_t   ; unnoti (improvement) = un.n/t


GENERAL RULE  #2 : If the sound of one sub-letter (composing a compound
letter) seems  to MERGE or MIX  into another sub-letter, when pronouncing
the relevant word, it is PREFERABLE  NOT to use any  symbol
in between the two sub-letters .
Hence it is preferable to write  'bishleson' (analysis) as /b(x.lSN
and NOT as   /bx.(lSN ,  because the later form may lead the
reader more easily into misprouncing it or misunderstanding it
than the former one. For the same reason write 'klesh' (trouble) as
(k.lx and  NOT as k.(lx  .
Such problem does not arise  where the pronounciation of each sub-letter
sounds DISTINCT and SEPARATE ,when the relevant word is uttered ;
that is,  the sound of one does NOT merge into the sound of  another.
Hence the word  'shaanti'(peace) is written as
x|n./t  and  NOT as  x|/n.t  , because the sound of n and t remain  distinct
and separate from  one another and therefore, in such cases, a symbol
CAN be inserted in between the two sub-letters,whenever needed, without the
likelihood of distorting the pronounciation of the word in question .




EXAMPLE : The Bengali  word  'oordho' meaning 'the upward direction or
upper' has 3 sub-letters in the actual Bengali spelling, namely : d  dh (d') and  b
, where  b is silent . Such being the case, you may write 'oordho' as  U^d.d'
. However, I am in favour of using the modern spelling of 'oordho' in which
the relevant compound letter is spelled with  dh (d') and b only. So,
according to this spelling, 'oordho' should be written as : U^d'.b .
'oordhe' meaning 'on high'/'above' is written as  U ^(d'.b .
oordhothito (risen upwards) = U^(d'.b|t./t't  (Don't forget to put the dot
after the first  t , to indicate the 'hasanto' ).
Following the above rule of abbreviating a 3 sub-lettered compound letter
into two, the word 'sukkho', meaning 'fine', whose compound letter, in the
original Bengali spelling, is composed of  k, kh(K) and m (where m is
silent), may, therefore, be written as : as  s;k.K .

CASE # 2 : However, if you are a perfectionist, you may write a compound
letter consisting of 3 sub-letters in exactly the same way as it is
originally spelled in Bengali (sometimes, it's the older spelling) ; but, in this
case, you use a small dash (-) in between the lower two sub-letters.
EXAMPLES : So you write 'oordho'(upward) as  U^d.d'-b  and  'sookkho' (fine)
as  s;k.K-m . In this case, 'oordhe' meaning 'above' is written as :
U^(d.d'-b .
Here is a sample of Bengali e-mail, written in accordance with the present
system . ( A word of advice : While writing this  way, always
provide a double space between the words so as to give a neat appearance to
your letter.)

_/py  nb\n !

a(nk/dn   p(r   (t|m|r   k|C   (t'(k   ekK|n|    /c/T'   (p(y    K,b
K,x\    hl|m  |
t,/m    ekT|n|    k,/D:   bCr    /b(d(x   k|T|(n|r    pr    klk|t|y    a|sC
m(n   m(n    a|nn.d(b|d'    kr/C  |    t,/m    e(d(xr     m|/T(t    p|
(fl|r    pri
a|m|(k  (f|n   k(r    j|n|(b   (t|m|r    s%(g    k(b    (dK|    kr|    sm.vb
h(b  |
a|m|r   (zmn   (t|m|(k   a(nk/kC,    /j(g.n's (to ask)    kr(t    ic.(C
kr(C -
(t|m|ro   hyt    (tmn   a|m|(k   /j(g.n's    krb|r   mt   a(nk/kC,   a|(C |
 i/tm(d'}   x,d,'   (z    (t|m|r   o   a|m|r   (ch|r|ri   p/rb^tn   G(T(C
t|i   ny  -
klk|t|r    r;pt|o    r\/tmt    p|l(T  g}|(C  |  (t|m|r    s%(g    m,(K|m,/K
h(l    b^tm|n   o    at\tk|(lr    n|n|   /bSy    /n(y    a|m|(dr    m(d'}
kt'|b|^t|    h(b  |
t|h(l    eKn    a|/s  |
(t|m|r    bn.d,'  -   (j}|/t^my

I hope you will excuse me if I have committed any mistake in the course of
my  presentation of  these explanations. I hope you would point out to me
any mistake/s you might have come across; not  any  minor ones but anything
of  significance , so that I may rectify them without delay.
Please let me  know also  what you think about this system of writing.
If you have any comment or criticism , do not hesitate to contact me .
My e-mail  address is appearing below.

Dear Bengali friend!
Could you perhaps introduce all your Bengali friends and relatives to this
new system of writing. The more Bengalees know about it and use it in their
e-mail communications the better.

ei    nt,n    _pt'|y    b|%l|     (lK|r    k|yd|T|    (t|m|r    (kmn    l|gl
j|/no  |   ei    pd.d'/t/Tr    un.n/tkl.(p    (t|m|r    z/d   (k|n   up(dx
b|    mt|mt
(doy|r    t'|(k    t(b    (sT|    j|n|(l     /b(xS    upk<t    hb |  ...

In conclusion  let me state this clearly :  I do NOT claim to be the
originator or inventor of this method. I acquaired  the idea of writing
Bengali in the above way from someone many years ago ; I not only
expounded the idea  I  added also many little features and
details so as to make it more user-friendly, particularly with regards
to e-mail communications. I was originally motivated to initiate this system
so as to encourage more Bengalees to use their mother tongue which I

Send your comments to :
J. Mukherjee
