BengalOnline promises to bring to you all worthwhile materials on or about Bengal, its people and culture. Political or international
boundaries will not deter us from serving all Bengalees irrespective of their caste nationality or religion. New Technologies when appropriate will be used.
If you know of a good site please register it on Bangosandhan ao visitors can
get there.
BengalOnline [Upasthit Bango]
promises to bring to you all worthwhile materials on or about Bengal, its people and culture. Bengal Online
is not just another website, its goal is to be a resourceful reference site - site of sites. References and hot links
are provided to access all significant websites on Bengal or Bengalees whether they are personal
pages or sites maintained by commercial interests or by educational and research institutions.
We undersand that your time is invaluable. You cannot afford to surf the net all day to find
what you need. If it's useful it will be here. Our sole purpose
is to promote understanding of Bengal and the rich heritage of language, history and culture of its great people. We would appreciate it very much if you can put a link to this web site on your own page.
We would be grateful for any help (don't panic! we need non-financial help - not that financial help is ever rejected - ha ha!) help that you can provide in achieving our objective. We invite all to
contribute any relevant topic (Bengali or English) and eagerly wait for your response. Tell us how you can help. Your comments are an integral part of this site's design. Much of it is dependent on your input.
Also, you're more than welcome to send email to Nikhil Das whose heart and soul is this site.